Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah Sunday Thoughts:Trumpism looks more and more like the religious cult it's always really been every day. It just becomes more and more blatant and obvious as the days go by. We already knew Trumpism is a criminal enterprise but even like a church, Trump pays no taxes.Now we know that, just like all believers believe their god can do no wrong, Trump's cultists will still rationalize his actions and still worship him no matter what havoc he continues to visit upon humanity for all to see. He was right: He could shoot someone and they'd just explain it away. In fact, from his supporters in the Capitol Building to his voters in all 50 states, they will continue to praise him for whatever evil he designs. His followers cannot be saved. They've bought into the con so hard that it owns them. They will praise him to the heavens and they will praise him even when he destroys their own neighbors and families with his own brand of Republican rapture.