Midnight Meme Of the Day!

by NoahIt has long been posited that Trump has no heart. His every action has pointed to that. That's what made him the perfect leader for his party. Likewise, mathematical calculations and gravitational evidence have always pointed to the existence of black holes out in the Universe. Some scientists (There's that word Republicans hate again) have even stated that black holes could possibly be very small and very close to us. Little did we know that the location of the nearest black hole and the space where Trump's heart should be are one in the same. Now, for the first time, the scientific community has announced the discovery and photographic proof of a black hole. We could have told them where it is long ago.For those who don't know, black holes are places of such tremendous gravity that they suck in all matter and energy within their range. Not even light itself can escape. Life has no chance in the proximity of a black hole. Everything that gets too close to a black hole is crushed and destroyed. Just ask Kirstjen Nielsen, not that she didn't have it coming. A whole country and maybe the entire Earth is facing the same fate and has done nothing to escape that fate.I predict that, very soon, scientists will show us a picture of a second black hole. It will be found under Trump's gravity-defying combover.
