Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahUnfortunately there's no vaccine for stupid.Our society is getting dumber by the day and the intelligence level started out pretty low to begin with. Around the world, anti-vaxxers are continuing to push their fake science, Russian-driven and otherwise, through social media and, here in New York, by literally knocking on doors and handing out fliers on street corners like religious kooks. The result is that we have pockets of measles epidemics spreading across not just the city but the country. Perhaps the wrong kids are being forcibly separated from their parents?On Tuesday, New York City declared a public health emergency and has already discussed the closing of some harder hit schools and fines for parents who refuse to get their children vaccinated. The city government has now ordered mandatory vaccinations for some neighborhoods. Naturally, the conservatives who walk among us have pointed at "Socialist" Mayor Bill de Blasio and screamed about "government over-reach," meddling, and, of course, "left wing tyranny." Next thing you know, they'll be wanting to just dump the family human waste out in the middle of the street so we and have the "freedom" of cholera for all.I can hardly wait 'til crowds at Trump rallies start chanting "Bring Back Polio! Bring Back Polio!"