Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahRepublicans have been whining for days about Alec Baldwin's dead on accurate portrayal of Crazy Donnie's recent rambling Rose Garden presser or whatever it was. Tough shit. If they didn't want people laughing at them and their president, they shouldn't have chosen to run a joke as their best candidate. Baldwin didn't even need to act, just as SNL's writers didn't even have to write the skit. Making fun of Trump is easy. You just point the camera at him and turn it on. President Crazy Pants has created a new genre of film. Call it Satire Verite. It's Trump as he is, a joke. The problem is Trump is a very dark and destructive joke. He even calls for retribution. The man is a total head case.You read his tweets about SNL like the one above and you see that the Loser-in-Chief can't take a joke. Is this some sort of self-hate at play here? Trump's puffy orange skin is way too thin. Hell, when Chevy Chase portrayed President Gerald Ford by falling down to open SNL every week, Ford reportedly laughed along with everyone else. Ford was a terrible president. You have to go some to be worse than Gerald Ford, about whom LBJ was known to say had played too much college football without a helmet. But, congratulations, Donnie. You leave Gerald in the dust in just about every way imaginable. Dana Carvey nailed his impression of President George H.W. Bush so well and so hilariously that Daddy Bush invited him to the White House for a personal performance. SNL has made fun of every president since the show began. My favorite is the time they portrayed a senile President Ronald Reagan standing at a podium and asking "How long are we going to be making this movie?"Donnie, you are pathetic. You claim a National Emergency and then you jet off to Mar-a-Lago to play golf and watch Saturday Night Live. You are the complete, total asshole who makes fun of disabled people on national TV and you can't take it when someone simply re-enacts your performance from the day before, practically word for word. Thank you for showing us your greatest weakness. I believe in weaponizing derision. May you be mocked to death.
