Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahTrump's El Paso, Texas rally the other night gave us even more evidence that his party of cultists doesn't really care if he brings in undocumented immigrants (or "Illegals" as they obsessively call them) as long as they are working for Trump. So, I have to ask-- What if he nominated an undocumented person for a cabinet position? What if he nominated one for the Supreme Court? How far would the cult go along? I suspect they would be fine with that. It's OK as long as it's something their false prophet does. You know, like "shoot someone of Fifth Avenue." Here in New York City, we've heard for years about immigration authorities entering the front doors of restaurants and deli counters, and undocumented staff flying out the backdoors and down the alleyways. So, what if ICE showed up at the White House gates? How much of the administration staff would suddenly run out to the Rose Garden to hide in the bushes with Spicey? Just asking, ya know.I guess it's a similar deal with Trump attempting to seize privately owned land, land owned by Texas ranchers and other American citizens, citizens who probably voted for Trump, to build his wall. So much for screaming "get the government off our backs and out of our business" every hour of every day. Then there's the issue of the historic Jackson Chapel United Methodist Church in San Juan Texas. Trump's plans call for his wall to cut straight through the middle of the church. But of course, Trump's cultists don't worry about that one because the audience of parish members is mostly made up of "brown people." I'm also sure they don't mind the destruction of the church since it was once an important stop along the Underground Railroad. To Trump and the rest of his party, that's just one more reason to get out the bulldozer. Yeah, it's a church but, to Republicans, that church is nothing but a dog house.