Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahIt didn't take any effort at all to find a dog for tonight's meme that was smarter than Donald Trump or any of the fleas currently working in the White House. What dog doesn't have a higher IQ (and more energy) than Donnie Sleazeball? Also unlike Donnie and his cohorts, dogs have a natural sense of loyalty to their home and those who live in it. The dog may have one thing in common with Trump, though. The dog might hump your leg without the slightest provocation.Tuesday's State Of The Union speech should be a real case of unintended satire. I hope "Nancy" sits in back of him with her extra large gavel. Maybe she could periodically smack it into the palm of her hand while he speaks. Pence, of course, will look like he's been brain dead since childhood. I expect that the "president" will be spinning his con man's yarns about caravans of small pox-ridden Hondurans, Muslim terrorists, thousands of MS-13 drug mules with calves the size of cantaloupes, and, of course, his new favorite, women with their mouths tapped shut in the "backseats of amazing Mexican cars." But, most of all, he'll be billing his fake border crisis as a "desperate national emergency" when it's him that is a true national emergency.The dog seems to be thinking it through correctly though. If the border crisis, is a real emergency and not one made up out of thin air, any president not named Trump would have declared it a national emergency months ago. And, whether it is or isn't, if Trump genuinely believes it is a national emergency, as he has said repeatedly, well... let's just say that if that's the case, the fact that he hasn't already declared the situation to be a national emergency is further proof of his disloyalty.