Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThe real national emergency is staring the country right in the face. It could not be more obvious. The rest of the world sees it clearly. The U.S. corporate media will blab and blather on and on about Trump's bullshit national appearance on our TV screens. They will refuse to call this crisis what it really is. The real national emergency has a name. It's name is President Donald J. Trump. He is the crisis, not The Wall or any fabricated need for it. The President of the United States is a raving, pathological lying lunatic. He is not just a liar, he is completely functionally unable to tell the truth about anything and he demonstrates that clearly every damn day. He is also owned and operated by a hostile foreign power, as indicated by nearly every action that he has taken since he was "elected" president if not before. All of this is plain as day regardless what the cowardly weenies and corrupt criminals that are his Washington support system say.If this country had a system worthy of our belief, a system that was something other than an ignored piece of paper, Trump would be carted off in a straitjacket or an orange jumpsuit with his hands bound and legs in irons. Whether he belongs in a padded cell or a steel federal penitentiary cage would be for our courts to decide, and this whole process would be started now, without further procrastination, and the courts would best be ending up deciding carefully, very carefully. No sellout plea deals. No side agreements. No pardons. Just two choices; padded cell or a federal cage for the rest of his days. The federal penitentiary option would also be put in process for any and all of his owned and operated enablers and defenders in the House and Senate, and his propagandists and co-conspirators in the media.There can be no healing without total removal and disposal of the infection.