Midnight Meme Of The Day!

NoahTrump Steaks, Trump Vodka, Trump Airlines, Trump The Game (Ironically a Monopoly-styled board game), Trump Casinos, Trump Mortgage, Trump Magazine (How's that for ego?)... You know the list. There's even his string of bankruptcies, failed marriages, nearly 4000 lawsuits. And yet all those MAGA hat-wearing single digit IQ Trumpies voted for him and still would. So, we await the failure of our government and the bankruptcy of the United States of America, along with the personal bankruptcy of it's middle and working classes. That's the republican brain at work, together with their ally and financier Putin, of course. Shrinking the American paycheck to nothing: It's the American way!Then there's the sad case of the The New Jersey Generals, Turmp's miserable failure of a "professional" football team in the almost instantly defunct United States Football League. Trump's foray into professional football was so lame and his leadership style so obnoxious that the owners of the National Football League franchises vowed as a group to never let him into their league, which was what Trump had hoped to eventually do with his team. Of course, the NFL a-holes hypocritically ended up taking his side in the whole kneeling against police brutality controversy and several of them backed him for the White House. You know you have a really rancid, vomit-inducing stench when people agree with your policies but don't want to be seen with you in their midst.But, perhaps, my favorite is Trump Fragrance. It failed before it barely hit the market. I don't know exactly what it smelled like but I can imagine: A New York Penn Station bathroom on a 100 degree July afternoon? A week-old Blue Whale carcass found washed up on a Staten Island beach next to a regional garbage dump? Even worse, Trump himself?