Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSure, I'd rather have someone else pay for Trump's monument to xenophobia and racism but I, like millions of others, would rather not have any further wall building at all since it's not needed. After all, Trump and his republikook brethren don't need a wall to show the world how bigoted they are in every aspect of their lives. We already know all too well. When Trump himself recently tweeted (below) that the border patrol, ICE, and our military are doing a fine job of keeping people out, he was inadvertently, in his own dumb way, admitting that even he doesn't think we really need any additional barriers on the border.

With so much talk about the Wall, people are losing sight of the great job being done on our Southern Border by Border Patrol, ICE and out great Military. Remember the Caravans? Well, they didn't get through and none are forming or on their way.Border is tight. Fake News silent!

Meanwhile, a feverish pro-Trump conspiracy theorist (from Flor-i-duh!) recently started a GoFundMe page with a goal of raising a total of $10 Billion to build the wall. When the fund got to $4.9 Million in just a few days, a Trumpie who calls herself Deplorable Diane boasted on twitter that the fund was "already nearly halfway to its goal!" Ah, the fuzzy math of republicans! Home schooled? No doubt. A DeVos dream!In a way, I suppose the GoFundMe route is not the worst idea. Maybe those who really want The Wall should be the ones to pay for it themselves and leave the rest of us out of it, but that would still send an ugly message to the world. I can even see those who want to build The Wall adorning it with recently taken down Confederate statues and eternally burning crosses.All of this got me thinking that if republicans want decent fair minded Americans like myself, a man who doesn't want The Wall, but might end up being forced to contribute some of my tax dollars to it... well, I'd rather my tax dollars go towards at least a few thousand brick cubicles modeled after the one in today's Midnight Meme. Why not? I know that, like anyone with a good sense of revenge and pride in American ideals, I'd love to seal Trump and any number of his fellow republicans in a nice, tidy brick cubicle and just leave it somewhere, maybe out in the woods, or along the highway with dozens of others in rows that make them appear like storage units. The idea that I had assembled some of them myself and sealed a Republikook inside would fill me with patriotic pride! The republikooks might even get the irony, but I doubt it. I can even visualize a future where such things become traditional holiday lawn displays, with or without lights. Halloween? Christmas? Trump Removal Day?This could be really simple. Maybe Amazon could handle the fulfillment services. Trump, oddly, hates amazon's corporate pig owner Jeff Bezo anyway, but only because Bezos has more money and owns the Washington Post. We could order up a kit of the requisite number of bricks and just the right amount of mortar mix and a nice, shiny new trowel, maybe even a wheelbarrow with "Make America Great Again" stenciled on it.The whole thing reminds me of one of my favorite stories in our American literature-- The Cask Of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe.

It was now midnight, and my task was drawing to a close. I had completed the eighth, the ninth and the tenth tier. I had finished a portion of the last and the eleventh; there remained but a single stone to be fitted and plastered in.