Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahRecently, Señor Trumpanzee told reporters that he couldn't imagine TIME Magazine naming anyone else but him TIME Person Of The Year. Man, let that one sink in. Really? Well, Hitler once got the honor, but how about North Korea's Kim Jong-Un who took Trump to the cleaners this year in a tour de force of manipulation? Then there's Trump's handler Vladimir Putin who, at Helsinki, showed the world he was master and Trump was bitch. Who else? Saudi King Salman? I suppose. After all, he also can tell Trump what to do and what to say.How about TIME going the "irritate the fuck out of Trump" route and naming Maxine Waters or any black woman? How about Jim Acosta? I bet Sean Hannity and Alex Jones each think they deserve some votes since Trump regards them both as key advisors. Might TIME break new ground and name "Anybody But Trump" as their Person Of The Year? That would go over big.How about this? Do you never want to see Mike Pence again? Just think how great it would be if TIME named Pence Person of the Year. Trump would explode! Trump would be so jealous that he would try to fire Pence on the spot. He'd lose it once and for all. You'd see Trump running around naked and screaming down Pennsylvania Avenue. Naming Sarah Huckabee Sanders would be a sure way to finally get rid of her, too! Ben Carson?But I think the cover above has it right. Forget naming a Person OF The Year. Instead, this year, let's have a TIME Magazine Prisoner Of The Year! It would reflect the hopes and dreams of billions and billions of people around the entire ever-warming globe. Then, make that elusive dream come true.