Midnight Meme Of The Day

-by NoahRepublicans have memes, too! Here's one. It's been making the rounds amongst the Republikook population for the past week or so. Are you surprised to see it here? Yeah, they don't do the humor thing very well; at least not intentionally. But, they do claim to own Christianity, so, I thought it would be nice for DWT readers to see this meme on a Sunday. Here's the Big White Republican Jesus (As the insipid Megyn Kelly said, "Jesus is white. Get over it"). Big White Republican Jesus is shown guiding the tiny hand of Big Fat Orange Republican Fascist in the newly renovated golden oval office.Republicans see this incredibly tacky painting as a depiction of Jesus guiding the tiny hand of Trump in their Christian jihad. Once again, they are wrong. Jesus would never do that. What he would do is what I happen to think this painting is really depicting. I see it as Jesus guiding Trump's hand to write the words "I hereby resign the office of the President Of The United States Of America." What else would the real Jesus do? It's only logical.