Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWhat could go wrong? Of course, to Trump, wrong is right.Larry Kudlow has a proven track record of being an economic imbecile. Just like the appointment of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education, Scott Pruitt as head of the E.P.A, Ryan Zinke as Secretary of the Interior, and so many others, the appointment of an idiot like Larry Kudlow to make decisions that will influence the U.S. economy, is just one more step in our Manchurian president's plans to create and aim a perfect storm of destruction at the United States of America. No one is rejoicing over the appointment more than the leaders of Russia and China. There can be no other explanation for the appointment of Kudlow. Stupidity? Nope, even a total imbecile gets it right once in a while. But, a deliberate traitor does not. Meanwhile, Trump's accomplices in Congress, lead by $enate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House $peaker Paul Ryan continue and continue serve the enemies of the state and join in as eager accomplices.In my dreamworld, I could give you this solid economic prediction: Buy stock in companies that make nice strong rope, but be sure to sell the stock before it dives like everything else will.