Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahTo say that I was disappointed last night when my wife told me that Saturday is that damn bi-annual dumbass "Daylight Savings" day is an understatement. On the list of my personal grievances, setting the clocks ahead an hour one day a year only to have to set them back one day a year in 6 months isn't a disaster, but, it is pretty absurd. It's especially annoying right now because I could really use that hour I'm going to lose this weekend. The whole thing seems outmoded, and I have more than the usual amount of things to do right now. Besides, those who know me well, know that I try mightily to always live in my own personal timezone anyway. So, outside forces piss me off. Why oh Lord, why!Still, if "Daylight Savings" must be obeyed, couldn't we have an extra special version where Republicans stop running away from time and reality itself? Aw hell, let's just let them all go live in Russia. It's their kind of place. They'd obviously be much happier there.
