Midnight Meme Of The Day!

  by Noah It's not shocking but it's both sobering and depressing to now have confirmation that, for half of the voting public, the following are not deal breakers when they decide who and what to vote for. In fact, 80,000,000 of our fellow citizens and neighbors voted for the candidate whose platform is listed below: 1. a candidate that was convicted for bilking people out of their hard-earned money with a fake university that gave them nothing in return. I'll just let this one stand in for all of Donnie Godfather's criminal activities, known and as yet unknown. To list it all would take a book. 2. a candidate who has a history of racist acts and statements of encouragement to white supremacist groups (found guilty of racist rental policies, Central Park 5, "very fine people," re-tweets of white supremacist propaganda, etc., etc., etc.), 3. a candidate who is proud to be a practicing misogynist, making no effort to change or evolve in any way, 4. a candidate who is fighting in the courts to take away healthcare for 30,000,000 Americans even during a pandemic, 5. a candidate who deliberately made that pandemic even worse and suggested homicidal cures, 6. a candidate that publicly mocks the disabled to the cheering of his supporters, 7. a candidate who is a serial child abuser and surrounds himself with the same (Miller, Mnuchin, DeVos, his "I don't care" wife...) 8. a candidate who incites violence and turns Americans against Americans with his rhetoric, 9. a candidate who "misuses" charity donations entrusted to him, 10. a candidate who nominates homophobic judges, 11. a candidate who owns casinos so he treats every citizen of the country as a mark, 12. a candidate who supports dumping carcinogens into our water supplies (his environmental policies will kill more babies in their wombs than all "abortion clinics" combined), 13. a candidate who sides with Putin and our other adversaries over us for his own personal financial gain, 14. and, a candidate who has never even made an attempt to address his personal issues and failures of character because he doesn't see them as such or think they matter. 15. a candidate who got himself impeached for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress and should have been impeached for much, much more, including being a Manchurian President and traitor to the United States Of America. Sure, there could be more items on the above list but who has time to read it all? Whether taken individually or together, the above characteristics indicate a candidate who is a sociopath on his "be best" days and a psychopath on his normal days. Apparently, 80,000,000 people who walk among us see the above as perfectly A-OK. As I indicated at #1 on my list, I haven't even included the extensive list of things Trump is being investigated for and will be investigated for, not the least of which is tax fraud. None of us are perfect but it used to be that most people tried to be better and do their best to make at least some little part of the world better. Instead, way too many have hatefully and nihilistically set out to do the opposite and endorsed Trump's massive bad character with their votes. Thus, it rubs off on themselves and they like it. Some, for instance, will tell you that they aren't racists even though they voted to encourage a racist and his racism. That's like going to watch and applaud a lynching while saying you had nothing to do with tying the rope to the tree limb.