Midnight Meme Of The Day!

  by Noah Sunday Thoughts: Look at the seriousness on Herr Trump's face as he signs a bible. That is the look of a true madman with a messianic complex. Who thinks that their signing of a bible makes a difference? A power mad man who feels he has the right to bulldoze a crowd with gas and clubs, just so he can stand in front of a church holding a bible as though he was some sort of religious figure or a god himself. He might as well be David Koresh, another madman who thought he was a god. Trump is a god to the Republican Party of course. If he and his congressional disciples encourage QAnon to kill, they're down with that. If he encourages heavily armed vigilantes in the street, they're down with that. If he goes on national TV and sends a call to action message to his Proud Boy followers, they're extra down with that. This is no different than Charles Manson sending out Tex Watson and the Manson Girls to kill in Hollywood. So who wants their bible to be signed by a madman who obviously never read it or wants anything to do with it other than use it as a prop? Who does it make a difference to? The answer is cultists and that's what his voters are. Ask yourself how anyone can work for such a man. Ask yourself how all those people can adore him and work for him in the now barricaded White House. They never question themselves even when they venture out and people they meet shun them. They are fanatics. So were Koresh's people in Waco. The bad moon is rising.