MI5 Investigates Itself Over Manchester Bombing Connections & Knowledge

I'm expecting a complete exoneration of MI5 via the blowback/we didn't know/incompetence perception management meme- Remember the word creates the reality....Flashback : Manchester: Blowback as CIA Obfuscation

London (CNN)British intelligence service MI5 is launching an internal review into how much it knew about Manchester bomber Salman Abedi prior to last week's deadly attack, British Home Secretary Amber Rudd confirmed on Monday.

 Amber Rudd thinks it is absolutely right that MI5 investigates itself

Rudd declined to comment on exactly what was known about the 22-year-old bomber, during an interview with Sky News on Monday. Asked during the interview: "Are you happy that MI5 should be investigating themselves?" Rudd replied, "I think it is right that they do this. In the future, we can look at anything else that might need to be done. As a first step, it is absolutely right."She added: "There's a lot of information coming out about what happened, how this occurred, what people might or might not have known."I think it's right that MI5 takes a look to find out what the facts are. We shouldn't rush to make any conclusions at this stage."

If I may draw your attention to a timeline Marie @ the Significance of R has put together as the Manchester false flag unfolded. Including information on two claimed bombing victims, both who had died previously in entirely unrelated circumstances- That's the convenience of social media- your photos are there for the use and abuse by whomever....Ariana Grande pic from her Dangerous Woman 2017 tour poster The Grande Deception Part 1  The Grande Deception Part 2The Grande Deception Part 3 Ariana Grande and some very loaded imagery- Eyes wide shut- Playboy- Pussyhats- Parents actually take their children to see this "performer"Scary  Good posts Marie!

flashback: American Officials Leak Name of Manchester Suicide Bomber