MH-17 changed course over Poland- Why? How could MH370 have been lost?

A couple of images that really got me wondering?And another question that is really bugging me? It looks to me the course change that sent MH-17 over a war zone took place in Poland?Why? We know Poland is embedded with NATO...Had this course change not taken place in Poland. MH17 would not have been in position for a take downSo, what took place over Poland that would cause MH-17 to change courseFirst image BBCSecond imageIt's very, very, very clear that MH-17 changed course in Poland. Why?Does NATO have something to do with this?

BRUSSELS, July 18. /ITAR-TASS/. A total of two jets of the Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) were on combat duty in the airspace over Romania and Poland Thursday at the moment the Boeing 777 jet of the Malaysian Airlines crashed in highly controversial circumstances in eastern Ukraine, a NATO source told ITAR-TASS.

One last question. And it's a big one! If the US can present such a specific narrative to the international audience concerning MH17, why, oh why can they not tell us all what happened to MH37/0?How could they have completely lost that MH37/0? I mean completely? No satellite. No nothing.That is just NOT copasetic. Unless....  the US wanted to lose MH37?One last item- Call it mass manipulation via main stream media"Russia airs conspiracy theories over downed airline"If it wasn't such a pathetic headline, it might be funny? Or not. But, really it's just pathetic.Since all we have had is one state sanctioned 'conspiracy theory' from the moment this plane came down.Originating in Kiev and bolstered by the US to serve their mutual political agenda
