Meet The REAL "Dr. Evil" - Exposing George Soros For His Crimes Against Humanity.

I have constantly stated in my many rants that the present "migrant crisis" that we are seeing in Europe that is destroying all European nations as they stupidly allow these "migrants" and "refugees" to stay in their nations, has been a planned operation for years... And there is only one man alive today that has the money and the power to bring the planned destruction of Europe to fruition, and this is of course the man that I call "Dr. Evil", Gyorgy Schwartz, aka George Soros......Lets face the facts here... It cost MILLIONS of dollars to supply all the boats and other means of transportation to bring in all those "immigrants" and illegal migrants from North Africa, as well as a few that actually came from the Middle East, into Europe.... And that means that someone had to supply both the money and the means to bring in these migrants that are presently destroying Europe... And lo and behold we have found evidence in countless articles already that show that the groups responsible for that flood of humanity are all owned by George Soros, or are financed through his many groups.. It is disgusting to behold.....Right now, I want to present an interesting article that comes from the Before It Is News website, at that occurred way back in 2010 where US correspondent, Steve Kroft, actually sat down with this ultra sick criminal to discuss his views, and his life... Steve Kroft himself came to call this foul creature the most evil man in the world and for good reason.. Here is the link to that interview: I came across the following from the Freedom's Phoenix website at, that also exposes some interesting facts about the evil nature of this monster.. Here is the link to that article here:, just last week came another interview with this foul creature... This time, German news reporter, Gregor Peter Schmitz, sat down with this disgusting excuse for a human being to discuss his views on why Europe is on the verge of total collapse... It is interesting to see the mindset of this creature at work, and here is the link to that interview for all to read for themselves: Notes: Yes, these reporters and many others have indeed found this creature to indeed be the most evil person on the planet, and there is nothing that I have seen that shows me anything different....Lets face the facts... George Soros has been involved in the takedown of governments, the economies, and of course the Global Warming scam as well... This Jewish psychopath seems to always want turmoil, and turmoil and upheaval always seems to be what is left in his path.....I have always received some flak for my stand that George Soros epitomizes the meaning of ultimate evil.... His goals for Europe are very straight forward, in that he wants to have the White racial identity of every European nation destroyed.  That goal of the destruction of the Caucasian race is right there for all to see when they read the Jewish blueprint for world domination, their own Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, and it appears that Soros has taken upon himself the goal of achieving that plan!Yes, George Soros is indeed "Dr. Evil" and the sooner more people come to realize it, the better for our entire planet...More to comeNTS