Meet The Industry Behind This Staple ‘Health’ Food Fighting GMO Labeling

Once you’ve started drinking Monsanto’s kool-aid, it’s hard to stop. In unfortunate news, the sugar beet industry of Idaho, who has bought Monsanto’s Round-Up Ready sugar beet seeds meant to withstand copious spraying with glyphosate-based herbicide, is putting on hold GMO labeling initiatives in the state.
Ignoring piles of scientific studies which have shown that glyphosate causes everything from cancer to altered DNA, antibiotic resistance, kidney disease, and reproductive failure, the sugar beet industry has been purchasing Monsanto’s seeds because they have reduced the labor and chemicals needed to grow sugar beets and have reduced sugar growers’ costs.
They certainly don’t want to have to label their toxic sugar beets, since they show up in thousands of products sold on grocery store shelves. This is why Idaho sugar beet growers started the discussion about lobbying the Idaho Legislature to pass a bill prohibiting the mandatory labeling of food products made with genetically modified organisms, or GMOs.
GMO Answers claims that sugar, whether from sugar beets and sugarcane or from sugar crops grown using conventional, biotech, or organic methods, is identical. But this is simply not true. Here is how GM sugar is different:

  • 1. GM sugar beets require the bizarre alteration of the nature of food itself by splicing viral, bacterial, and other life forms into the DNA of the plant.
  • 2. Planting GM sugar involves the massive increase in the use of glyphosate herbicide (Round Up), which is polluting the water, soil, and food across the globe.

Only the biotech industry and its financially-drawn associates believe GMO Frankenfoods are safe to eat.
So why is there no GMO-labeling bill in the 2015 pipeline for Idaho? Duane Grant, chairman of the Snake River Sugar Co., a growers co-op. says:

“It’s not going to run. While supportive of the subject, the agriculture industry was concerned it could engender some controversy.”

Now there’s a politically correct understatement.
Almost the entire sugar-beet growing industry has unanimously agreed to plant GM sugar beets, even though the few remaining farmers who wanted to plant non-GM varieties would end up with contaminated crops.
You can see a video opposing the GMO sugar-beet industry here.