May/June 2016 Issue: Patrick Derek Fox – Himmler Vs. Hitler On Christianity

In today’s show originally broadcast on June 13 2016, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Patrick Derek Fox to discuss his article, “Himmler Vs. Hitler On Christianity,” from the May/June 2016 issue of The Barnes Review.
The Barnes Review is known for many things, its cautious defense of Adolf Hitler is certainly one of them. As certain academics have made a career over defending communist butchers to the cheers of the state, those seeing some good in Hitler’s goals and policy are removed, often violently, from American society.
Hitler was not a monster. He was a politician. Monsters never think they’re monsters, and monsters certainly do not win the love and affection of tens of millions of Germans. In this radio interview Fox lays out the basic, simple questioning approach to Adolf Hitler, religion and National Socialism.
The relationship between Marxism and Jewry as well as the connection between Hitler and German Christianity is the main focus here. On occasion, a Jewish radical will attempt to link Hitler to Roman Catholicism so as to discredit the latter. This is a cottage industry in both journalism and academia, while linking Judaism with Lenin and Stalin will lead to your professional destruction.
In fact, academics have tried to invent a story that Stalin was an “anti-Semite.” This is laughable false, but it exists so as to deflect the criticism of the USSR that it was merely a Jewish ethnic experiment. The Stalin “anti-Semite” myth made it OK to dislike the USSR and it made the Jews, yet again, the victims. They were nothing of the kind.
Hitler was a Christian man, secular in politics, but likely a strong Christian in private. Fox goes so far as to argue that Hitler’s government takes its fundamental symbolism from the Roman church. While Germany was far from a Roman Catholic state, Fox does argue that the church of Rome was at the root of Hitler’s vision and importantly, the root of National Socialist doctrine.
