Maybe The Sleaze Factor Is The Way Trump Will Be Brought Down And The Planet Saved

-by Frank SchaefferHere’s how to define Donald Trump: Trump is the intersection where all the con-artists, sleaze-bags, petty criminals, anti-democracy thugs, white evangelical losers and delusional racist fanatics on the planet met and fell in love with each other.Question: Is there ANY low-rent moron scum Trump is NOT working with or for?From the backward woman-torturing murdering Saudi “prince” to Putin (the world’s sleaziest loser/murderer Trump fan), to the National Enquirer national head lice, to evangelical gay-bashing loons Mike Pence, Jerry Falwell Jr., Franklin Graham and Ralph Reed-- Trump sucks up to the creepiest creeps on the planet.Meanwhile, Republican lawmakers side with Trump: climate change is a fabrication and nothing matters but the ruthless extraction of fossil fuel energy. Trump is doing exactly what Republicans want him to do. Thus in 2020 saving the planet and destroying the Republicans are the same thing.So…Here’s the best thing that’s happened to America in 50 years:

•       Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Sunrise Movement’s push for a Green New Deal, a radical re-imagining of how we consume energy to confront the climate catastrophe ahead, is gaining support among mainstream Democrats.•       Here’s why the GOP must be destroyed: Millions of acres of public land have been opened up to fossil fuel and mining interests since Trump took office. Regulations on the oil industry have been cut as new lands and waters are exposed to dangerous drilling.

Maybe the Trump Sleaze Factor is a way Trump and his Republicans will finally be brought down and the planet saved. Ronan Farrow, investigative reporter at HBO and the New Yorker tweeted: “I and at least one other prominent journalist involved in breaking stories about the National Enquirer’s arrangement with Trump fielded similar ‘stop digging or we’ll ruin you’ blackmail efforts from AMI.”“Of course I don’t want personal photos published, but I also won’t participate in their well-known practice of blackmail, political attacks, and corruption. I prefer to stand up, roll this log over, and see what crawls out,” Jeff Bezos’ wrote. His courage may bring Trump down.David Pecker, American Media’s chairman has a longstanding allegiance to Trump. Of course he does! A scum reality TV star mobster and a scum dirty little tabloid tattler belong together like excrement and toilet paper. What’s less obvious is why evangelical leaders support them.How did Trump manage to gather all the sleaziest loser slime-balls to himself? Roger Stone, AMI’s National Enquirer David J. Pecker, Roy Moore, Jerry Falwell Jr., Mike-hate-gays-Pence, Paul Manafort, Putin, money-laundering Ivanka. What a crew!But maybe just maybe the attempted blackmail of Bezos will be to Trump what the Watergate break-in became to Nixon-- a “minor annoyance” that became the major unraveling. Here’s hoping for the sake of our planet!Trump will regret the day he was stupid enough to become president. His unexpected, undeserved, absurd ascent is delivering long-overdue accountability for him and his sleazy associates. And that is going to be the history books’ final biblical-style-justice word on Trump’s fall.