Maybe Santa Clarita Republicans Need To Take A Good Look At What's Happening With Their Money In Washington-- A Ho Is A Ho Is A Ho

People in Santa Clarita are breathing a sigh of relief that after more than 2 corruption-marred decades Buck McKeon is finally retiring from Congress to further disgrace himself as a lobbyist for the arms manufacturers and military contractors who have funded his congressional career. Good riddance! But if it were only that simple! McKeon was clearly afraid to run against Lee Rogers again, in a district that is becoming demographically foreign to him.And in a district that polls have made clear was ready to see him disappear:But McKeon isn't just walking away. He wants to make sure to keep his sticky fingers in the pie and made a deal with another right-wing sleaze bag, Tony Strickland-- from the district next door-- to come over to CA-25 and run there instead of continuing his challenge to Julia Brownley. A source from within McKeon's DC office-- who hates his guts-- told me over the weekend that in return for pledging to support him, McKeon insisted that Strickland hire his incompetent and exceedingly corrupt wife, Patricia McKeon, as campaign treasurer and Buck's grand nephew as legislative director.Strickland is very much disliked and mistrusted by Republicans-- let alone normal people-- in Santa Clarita. And the GOP Establishment dug up an even more extreme right-winger, Palmdale state Senator Steve Knight (who inherited his seat from his father), to run against him. Neither Strickland nor Knight fit the moderate suburban district, although Knight is clearly the worse of the two Republican candidates. It should be really hilarious watching McKeon and his pathetic staff try to discredit Knight on behalf of his boy Strickland. And who will be making the case? Hopefully Capitol Hill's most incompetent and laughable press secretary, McKeon's inimitable Alissa McCurley. She crafts all McKeon's idiotic public statements that make him sound like he's been up drinking all night. And that's probably because she's been up drinking all night! Just look at this Facebook page for McKeon's Communications Director, who seems to be having a great post-teenage life at taxpayer expense. I captured the page since it will no doubt come down this week:Guys dressed in drag, drinking and drinking and drinking and the usual I-am-enjoying-my-youth party stuff. And, it turns out, she's the sole member of a group on Facebook called... wait for it... You Can't Turn A Ho Into A Housewife: "A group for any ho who leads a 'crazy' life and influences others by their hoish example. Also for anyone who is trying to become famous." Thanks, Santa Clarita Republicans for putting this on the public payroll-- and for making it the spokesperson for Boehner's Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee-- who is so busy super-serving mobster Sheldon Adelson that he hasn't cared to see what's up with the drunken ho in his office.This isn't going to be all that helpful to Strickland or, for that matter, to Santa Clarita Republicans in general.