Maxine Waters verbally attacks woman, then screams in hysteria, that the Kremlin is “going to take us down!” (Video)

The peaceful liberal left in action.
“Crazy” Maxine Waters is at it again, this time losing control, and losing her mind, during a private exchange with one of her constituents.
The American Mirror reports

A constituent filmed an encounter with the California Congresswoman on Monday and the two clashed before Waters declared that a member of Congress couldn’t be impeached.
The constituent, who was unnamed in the video that was posted by YouTube user Melani Bell, began by telling Waters that she’s been calling her office and sending her emails for “five minutes of your time.”

The trigger? What else…Trump, Russia, Kremlin, spies, fascism, and all the other talking points that have turned half of America into bumbling “red scare” idiots.
All of this insanity comes courtesy of Hillary Clinton and her campaign staff of John Podesta and Robby Mook, for conjuring up the ridiculous tale of Russian election meddling… and letting the liberal left, fake news media do the rest in propagating Hillary’s election loss deflection.

Here is a summary of the latest Waters meltdown…

“You’re one of 700,000,” Waters replied, referring to the number of constituents she has.
The constituent wanted to complain to Waters about her treatment of President Trump.
“I can’t stand him,” Waters said, cutting her off. “He’s the most horrible man I’ve ever seen in my life.”
“I love my president,” the woman replied.
“I’m glad you do,” Waters said.
When the woman wanted to know why Waters wouldn’t also represent her views in Washington, Waters said, “Your president is a dishonorable, lying man,” adding that he “lies every day.”
Water said Trump is “in bed” with Putin and the Kremlin and “the oligarchs.”
“They’re going to take us down!” she declared.
When the constituent compared Trump’s words to Bill Clinton’s actions, Waters snapped, “I don’t care about Clinton! Listen, I’m going to work every day until I get him impeached.”
“I’m going to work every day to make sure that he isn’t impeached and that you’re impeached,” the constituent said.
“You can’t impeach a member of Congress!” Waters shot back. “No, you cannot impeach a woman of Congress,” she said again before her staff escorted her away from the woman.

The American Mirror notes that earlier this month, LA street artist Sabo posted signs near Waters’ town hall meeting, calling for her impeachment…

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