Masks off in Italy

Fantastic news and a massive breakthrough, yesterday we had confirmation from WFA Italy, that the case has been won in a province of Gorizia, Italy, which is being used as a legal proof that all facial masks that were mainly produced in China were proven to be of damage to health and useless to preventing contagion. (The order for them to be taken off the market and the sale of such masks is illegal, let alone the use) With this document from today Italy could be going mask less.
This will now need to be repeated in other regions and countries as a domino effect. The following files are the attached information in favour of the decision. It is of immense importance that Freedom lawyers, per area, per country work together to push for the same evidence and decision To be passed per area. .Priority: 
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File Upload:  Face Mask Verdict April -21 Italy.pdfDisease(s): Covid 19Therapeutic Intervention: Face MasksLegal Documentation Type: Verdict