Martial Law, Coming To A Theater Near You

I was waiting for my popcorn
At the local duplex
When I heard a roaring bull horn
Demanding my respect
“This is the authorities,” came a scream
“Martial Law has been declared,”
I got really scared
Wondering if it wasn’t a dream
Then I reasoned it was a movie playing
But when I heard the shots
I soon forgot
Everything I was saying
There was a tremendous crowd
Of men in green and blue
The bull horn screamed loud
“We’re here to keep the peace, AND YES THAT MEANS YOU!!!”
Guns to the left, guns to the right
Man what a drag on a Saturday night
I should have written my senator
To express what was on my mind
Or voted in the election earlier
For one of my kind
But now it was far, far, far too late
Love had been vanquished by hate
This was something I never saw
America under martial law
I screamed out loud, “This ain’t no good”
A brother laughed, “Welcome to the hood”
“We’re here to protect you,” the bull horn raged
In that moment twenty years I aged
I thought about my ma
I thought about my pa
I even considered good old aunt Bess
Storm troopers in the street, what a mess
Coming soon in reality
To the land of the free?
