Marine Le Pen joines chorus of Trump critics

Marine Le Pen has proved herself to be a woman of principle. It looks increasingly likely that Le Pen may shortly become the next President of France and in that capacity she would ideally want a good relationship with Donald Trump. She has said so.
But Le Pen who has consistently supported the democratic freedoms of the people in Crimea, Sevastopol, Donetsk and Lugansk has now come out to condemn Donald Trump’s illegal and aggressive missile launch on Syria.
Le Pen has said,
“I am a little bit surprised because Mr Trump has said on numerous occasions that the US would no longer be policing the world, and yet, that is exactly what he is doing right now.
Is it too much to ask that we wait for the chemical weapons attack inquiry findings before launching such airstrikes?”
She continued,

“I would like for us to avoid a repetition of the situation in Iraq and Libya in Syria, because what happened there  led to chaos, and both countries have since become hotbeds of Islamic fundamentalism”.

She also expressed her views in Tweets to her supporters,

"Ce qui s'est passé en #Syrie est épouvantable et je le condamne fermement. Mais il faut d'abord une enquête internationale." #Les4Vérités
— Marine Le Pen (@MLP_officiel) April 7, 2017

"Il faut permettre à la démocratie et au peuple syrien de s'exprimer. C'est à lui de choisir son dirigeant." #Les4Vérités
— Marine Le Pen (@MLP_officiel) April 7, 2017

“What happened in Syria is awful, and I strongly condemn it….It is necessary to let democracy and the Syrian people to speak out. It is they who must choose their leader”.

Trump has lost his biggest supporters both domestically and internationally. He has traded them for deep state apparatchiks who will Lilly chew him up before spitting him out.
The post Marine Le Pen joines chorus of Trump critics appeared first on The Duran.
