Marine Le Pen blasts the BBC for wanting to start WW3 with Russia (Video)

Just weeks ahead of the French presidential elections, Front National candidate Marine Le Pen sat down with the BBC’s Emily Maitlis to discuss Brexit, Putin and NATO.
Le Pen did not hold back, dishing out realpolitik answers to the BBC’s neo-liberal propaganda…

Key Le Pen moments:
On US policy toward Russia…

“The previous American administration put the Berlin Wall on wheels and pushed it back to Russia’s borders.”

On whether France would defend the Baltic states or the Ukraine against a fantasy invasion from Russia…

“You want war at all costs! What is your problem? You want to go to war! Do you like war? You want conflicts – you want us to start World War Three!”
“At the moment no one wants to go to war with anyone.”
“I’m happy to go into all the hypotheses, but no one is going to war with anyone – no one wants to go to war with anyone else.”
“There was a territorial conflict with Ukraine – these things happen.”
“Now it has to be resolved diplomatically, and I think France’s voice has weight as long as France is France, not a region of the EU.”
“Honestly, if you’re trying to say that Russia is a military danger to European countries, I think you’re mistaken in your analysis.”

On her support for the nation state policies of Putin and Trump…

“There’s Russia, which doesn’t deserve to be treated with prejudice. It hasn’t led any campaigns against European countries, or the US.”
“What I notice is that Putin’s government must be pretty popular with Russians, given that it is constantly being reelected.”

The role of being the “anti-Merkel” and the German Chancellor’s destructive monetary and migrant policies…

“She’s increasingly isolated, because the policies I represent are the policies represented by Mr Trump and Mr Putin, and the British people made it clear they want to go in that direction.”

Finally, on the end of the EU, Le Pen noted…

“The EU is almost already over – rather than waiting for it’s chaotic collapse, I suggest we organise its transformation to a Europe of nations while respecting the wishes of the European people.”
“The EU is shining with the light of a dead star.”

“The previous American administration put the Berlin Wall on wheels and pushed it back to Russia’s borders” – Marine Le Pen #newsnight
— BBC Newsnight (@BBCNewsnight) March 28, 2017

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