Liz Cheney-- Rotten To The Core

Dick Cheney with a blond wig-- and rabiesI've been savoring every moment of Barton Gellman's book on how Cheney took over the Bush presidency, Angler and I recommend it highly. (You can buy at at the link in the last sentence, which goes right to the DWT Book Store. Gellman begins his book with how Cheney systematically fucked over all the legitimate Republican choices for vice president, one after the other. Laytre he had an army of henchmen but that early in his career of evil he counted on the rotten daughter, Liz, the one running for the U.S. Senate against Wyoming conservative Mike Enzi.She isn't polling well and the latest survey shows her being crushed and ground into the dirt by Enzi. The little support she had when she first announced has since dissipated and if the primary were held today, Enzi would beat her 69-17%. Enzi's numbers have grown since August and Cheney's have fallen since he led her 61-21%, her high water mark. So she's out to get attention and today that meant going on Fox TV to attack… her sister. What a monster!

In an appearance on Fox News Sunday, Liz Cheney reiterated her opposition to same-sex marriage, telling host Chris Wallace that she disagrees with her younger sister, Mary, a lesbian who married her longtime partner Heather Poe in 2012.“I love Mary very much. I love her family very much. This is just an issue on which we disagree,” Liz Cheney said.That prompted a swift rebuke from Mary Cheney and Poe, who took to Facebook to voice their disapproval in strikingly personal terms.“Liz has been a guest in our home, has spent time and shared holidays with our children, and when Mary and I got married in 2012 — she didn’t hesitate to tell us how happy she was for us,” wrote Poe. “To have her now say she doesn’t support our right to marry is offensive to say the least.” Mary Cheney shared Poe’s message on the social networking Web site, adding, “Liz-- this isn’t just an issue on which we disagree-- you’re just wrong-- and on the wrong side of history.”…The current dust-up between Liz and Mary Cheney is not the first time someone in their family has attracted attention for remarks on gay marriage. Dick Cheney also has drawn scrutiny. He endorsed state-sanctioned gay marriage in 2009, saying in remarks at the National Press Club in Washington that “people ought to be free to enter into any kind of union they wish, any kind of arrangement they wish.”As vice president in 2004, he appeared to put some daylight between himself and then-President George W. Bush, who supported a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.

Yes, she's worse than her father… on this and pretty much everything. She's like a mad dog, the privileged daughter of a war criminal father and porno writer mother who gratuitously bashes anyone she disagrees with if it promotes her (usually very extremist) position.