Stream of unconsciousness. No précis or proem or prolegomenon or introduction or summary or adumbration or skeleton or outline or pithy phrase or reference can or could possibly describe what this podcast is all about. But Charles Manson comes to mind. “Look down at me and you see a fool, Look up at me and you see a god, Look straight at me and you see yourself.” See?
- Rants & Commentary
- 1789
- 2016
- 9/11
- africa
- Alex Jones
- All Writs Act
- Allan Park
- Allen
- Ammon
- Andrea Constand
- Andrew Colborn
- arrests
- Assad
- autopsy
- backdoor
- barack obama
- battery
- Benadryl
- Bernie Sanders
- Bilal
- Bill Clinton
- birth certificate making a murderer
- birther
- black
- Black Lives Matter
- bleach
- blood
- bloodied
- bohemia
- Bohemia Grove
- bombing
- bones
- break
- Brendan Dash
- Brentwood
- Bruce Castor
- bullet
- Bundy
- burn pit
- burned Netflix
- Calumet County Sheriff's Department
- cat
- chain of custody Bill Cosby
- Change
- Cheltenham Township
- Chris Christie
- citizen
- Clinton
- composite
- Conscription
- Conspiracy
- conspiracy theory
- Constitution
- controlled demolition
- convention
- coroner
- Corruption
- court order
- coverage Apple
- crime
- criminal
- Cumhuriyet
- Daesh
- Dan Kucharski
- Dean Strang
- death
- delegates
- Denis Vogel
- deposition
- disclosure
- District Attorney
- doc
- documentary
- Donald Trump
- double jeopardy
- drones
- drugs
- Dundar
- Dwight
- Dylan Dassey
- election
- Encryption
- Erdogan
- Evidence
- ex-boyfriend
- extraterrestrial
- fire
- flying saucers
- foul play
- fragment
- framed
- Frank Underwood
- Fraud
- Fred Hazelwood
- FU2016
- FX
- gay
- Gene Kusche
- Gloria Allred
- Gregory Allen
- guilt
- Gul
- Gun Grab
- guns
- Hammond
- head
- Hezbollah
- Hillary Clinton
- Hollande
- House of Cards
- hoverboard
- Huma
- hunting
- Illuminati
- Illuminati Brussels
- indecent
- indictment
- inside job
- International Order of St. Hubertus
- iPhone
- iran
- Iraq
- Is
- isis
- James Lenk
- Jerome Buting
- Jerry Pagel
- jet fuel
- Jill Shively
- Jodi Stachowski
- Johnny Cochran
- Jon Podesta
- Journalists
- Judy Dvorak
- Ken Kratz
- Kenneth Peterson
- Kenya
- key
- knife
- latch
- Laura Ricciardi
- Lavrov
- lawsuit
- Len Kachinsky
- lesbian
- Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
- Manitowoc County
- Marc LeBeau
- Marcia Clarke
- marriage
- Masher
- media
- melted
- melting points
- Merkel
- militia
- Mitt Romney
- Moira Demos
- Moira Demos Hillary Clinton
- Moira Demos Making a Murderer
- Montgomery County
- Murder
- National security
- natural born
- Netflix
- New Hampshire
- Nino
- Nixon
- O.J. Simpson
- oath keepers
- Obama
- oil
- open
- oregon
- Palymra
- Pardon
- Peggy Lautenschalger
- Pennsylvania
- Penny Ann Beernsten
- petition
- Petraeus
- pillow
- planted
- Police
- President
- Prosecutor
- Protest
- Putin
- quaaludes
- race
- Racism
- racist
- radials
- rape
- Recep
- residency
- rivets
- Robert Hermann
- Robert Kardashian
- Rockingham
- roommate
- Roswell
- Russia
- Ryan
- Ryan Hillegas
- San Bernardino
- Scott Bloedorn
- Scott Walker
- search
- Season Four
- secodn amendment
- Secret
- Sedatives
- server
- settlement
- setup
- sex
- sexual. battery
- Sherry Culhane
- Shooting
- signatures
- silent scream
- southern strategy
- speech
- spying
- standoff
- Stanton Friedman
- steel
- steel belted radials
- Steve Avery
- steven
- Steven avery
- Strom Thurmond Antonin Scalia
- Super Tuesday
- superdelegates
- suspicious
- Tayyip
- Tea Party
- Ted Cruz
- Teresa Halbach
- terror
- terrorism
- terrorist
- Terry
- Texas
- The People v. OJ an American Crime Story
- tires
- Tom Fassbender
- Tom Kocourek
- treason
- trial
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- UN
- unconscious
- votes
- white
- Wisconsin
- World Trade Center