“The most violent element in society is ignorance.”
― Emma Goldman
Greetings Truth Warrior, Patriot and Sentient Sentry:
I trust this finds you hale, well and in fighting trim. This is a particular day of historic note this 19th day o’ November. On this day in history in 1955 National Review published its first edition and Pier Luigi Farnese, the Duke of Parma, was born in 1503. And, yes, Abe Lincoln in 1863 delivered the Gettysburg Address and in 272 words cemented history with a breviloquence today’s monosyllabic pol couldn’t recognize much less duplicate. Imagine today’s version: A misspelled tweet starting with the now ubiquitous and mandatory “Hey, guys.”
But it’s a new day, a new Monday, and these are provided as an amuse-bouchefor the week upon us as we look to some events last week that drew our attention as well as myriad miscellany. And as with most stories, save that of the impudent #FakeNewsCNN agent provocateur, Jimmy the Accoster that I will explain, I have refused to recognize or honor Ted Baxter sockpuppet media as I’ve pulled the plug on them since October 27 of last month, vowing never to watch cable news ever again. Period. Even the once lauded Fox who’s seemed to have lost its way in a post-Ailes, post-Disney Brothers Murdoch watered-down version. More on that infra.
The CA wildfires con, sideshow, spectacle and cognitive dissonance suspension of reality and the complete abandonment of the obvious.
You’re kidding me, right? Have you examined the witness accounts and testimony as to the California wildfires? Look, for purposes of this I’m not going to deep dive into alternative theories and hypotheses as to source origination and causation, not to mention the selective fire targeting that boggles the mind. Nope, don’t worry. No “conspiracy theories” here as the juvenescent media now call warranted suspicion. But let me put it this way. There’s a whole bunch of folks you don’t know who are working overtime in civilian, citizen, alternative and foreign media platforms that are blowing away anything Ron Burgundy can come up with in terms of coverage, level of investigation and suspicions voiced and researched. I asked on my Twitter page the following question:
“Do you believe the official narrative that #CaliforniaFires are being started, fueled, spread and originate ‘innocently’ through unattended campfires, lightning and/or explicable reasons and causation model?”
Guess the reactions. Go ahead.
What?! CIA says that MBS is responsible for Khashoggi’s murder.
It was reported last week that . . . first, are you sitting down? It seems that crack sleuths at the inimitable and inscrutable CIA have concluded that Saudi Clown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) ordered the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul. This after his last moments on earth of strangulation, screams of terror, the buzz and whir of bone saws and the depositing of his shredded, butchered and dismembered hacked extremities were placed into diplomatic garbage bags were all caught on Memorex via his Apple watch (though that’s disputed) that his fiancee Hatice Cengiz reportedly overheard whilst waiting in the car. Roy DeMeo MBS sure as hell ain’t.
Our heritage media reported this no scheiße shocker on Friday and as you can understand, this is a finding that drastically contradicts Saudi government assertions that he was absolutely not involved. I know, shocking! Have you ever seen or heard of a worse hit team than these folks? What’s more amazing is how the US pretends to show any shock or horror after our own history of manufactured wars, citizen drone kills, targeted assassinations, name it. When it comes to hubris, we’ve no competition. But remember this: Americans have the attention span of a gnat and this will be forgotten in no time. Remember the Las Vegas shooting? (See what I mean?)
Sorry, children. Lachrymal Little Jimmy Acosta was the “victim” of a Due Process violation and not a First Amendment deprivation. So, shut up.
Did you hear me? The champion of raucous reportage was granted a reprieve from the press corps dog house not because he was a journalist, member of the fourth estate or deserves a picogram of respect, no. ‘Twas because he was deprived of DP. Notice and an opportunity to be heard, pilgrims. Judge Timothy Kelly agreed with the plaintiffs that the White House did not give Little Jimmy via the Administrative Procedure Act due process by simply having a Secret Service officer demand the return of his physical pass without any prior and adequate notice or opportunity to respond.
So what does this mean? Simple, POTUS can yank his creds again but make it a tad more formal. And one more thing on the subject, if Jimmy’s so critical to #FakeNewsCNN, why won’t they give the punk his own show?
HRC sent up a trial balloon, Hindenburg style.
Two Hillary hacks last week sent up the blatantly staged and deliberately planted feelers that the Oven Mitt Fashionista HRC in this WSJ piece was threatening, er, considering another shot at POTUS. Gadzooks! Check out this headline. Hillary Will Run Again: Reinventing herself as a liberal firebrand, Mrs. Clinton will easily capture the 2020 nomination. Bwahahaha!
One of the authors, Mark Penn, her old campaign field marshal who’s actually credited along with Cruella de Vil herself with the birth of the Birther Movementfrom his now famous 2007 memo, is noted and remembered for calling Obama “unelectable except perhaps against Attila the Hun.” He further wrote, “I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values.” Penn proposed targeting Obama’s “lack of American roots.” Uh huh. And you know what that means. In case this point was missed, let me reiterate. The Pantsuit Piranha and her dutiful manservant are the architects of the “conspiracy theory” that the newly-minted style maven Michelle Obama actually blames President Trump for advancing.
And speaking of the former FLOTUS, now author. She gives us “Becoming.”
We know how Michelle O loathes the cantankerous cankled one and in her new iteration fancies herself a nouveau Oprah. Or something. And if she does, she needs to work on her delivery and have an idea of what interesting is.
Here a just a few scintillating quotes from that will certainly wow and mesmerize.
1. “There are simply other ways of being.” [You’re kidding, right? What the hell does that even mean? Quick, someone get the Dali Lama on the phone.]
2. And this spellbinder: “If there’s one thing I’ve learned in life, it’s the power of using your voice.” [Tell that to a single mom working two jobs, oh great Sage. Didn’t Charlie McCarthy say that once? Or was it his wooden dummy, Edgar Bergen? This sounds like the deep musings of a 16 year-old self-absorbed diarist.]
3. And finally, this shout-out to Stuart Smalley: “Am I good enough? Yes I am.” [Dear God. Who writes this stuff? Look when it comes to saccharine and schmaltzy omphaloskepsis, give me Charlene and the anthem of self-absorption, “I’ve Never Been to Me.”]
What happened to Fox?
Judge Nap’s gone off the reservation, Fox & Friends makes Romper Room look like the Mont Pelerin Society and the evening roll-out is the playing-it-safe conservatism paint by numbers cavalcade. Sorry, we need depth. And Trump needs at least one platform that gives him a break. Mark my words, the Bros. Murdoch want to appease Disney and become more like CNN. Hannity and Limbaugh should form their own platform and get down to business. Capeesh?
And why’s Chris Wallace going out of his way to be nicey-nicey with #CNNothing and its faux news compatriots? Wallace told the President that when he goes after The New York Times and CNN, “we’re in solidarity, sir.” [Give me a break, CW. Seriously.] And it’s not just Fox.
Newsmax’s Chris Ruddy denounced POTUS after tossing TV’s answer to the pilonidal cyst, Acosta. By the by, Ruddy, if I were you I’d worry more about your coverage than what 45 says. Have you watched Newsmax TV lately? I’d rather lick a belt sander than waste a neuron watching that dreck. It’s TV’s answer to the sitz bath. Dear Gawd! It’s even worse than OANN. And that’s saying something.
“Prosecuting Julian Assange for Publishing Documents Is An Existential Threat to Freedom of the Press.”
That’s the very title of my YouTube disquisition that I artfully provide on the very subject, verily and with verity. Assange is an actual journalist hero and, if anything, deserves a ticker tape parade, the proverbial key to the city, immunity from all prosecution, permanent citizenship and the gratitude of all Americans. Even the Obama DOJ knew they couldn’t prosecute him. He and WikiLeaks didn’t secure the illegal obtaining or theft of documents and emails. It’s well-settled. It was a leak as in given to him. He’s protected via the Mighty First. As Justice Stevens wrote for the majority in Bartnicki v. Vopper, 532 US 514 (2001), “[A] stranger’s illegal conduct does not suffice to remove the First Amendment shield from speech about a matter of public concern.” The matter presented in WikiLeaks is analogous to those materials of the Pentagon Papers wherein the New York Times was held not criminally liable.
As the Washington Post opined in 2013 when it explained the Obama DOJ’s decision not to prosecute Assange:
“Justice officials said they looked hard at Assange but realized that they have what they described as a ‘New York Times problem.’ If the Justice Department indicted Assange, it would also have to prosecute the New York Times and other news organizations and writers who published classified material, including The Washington Post and Britain’s Guardian newspaper.”
So what’s different now? What changed? The language our beloved POTUS along with Chief Spook Pompeo have demonstrated calling for everything from lengthy incarcerations to targeted assassination (Jamal Khashoggi, anyone?) is most distressing and monumentally and profoundly inappropriate.
And to think the Ted Baxter sockpuppet echo chamber, cookie cutter, playbook, bumper sticker corporate hack news media schlock were bent out of shape over POTUS giving the petulant manchild Jimmy Acosta grief after he acted like a goddamn fool (again) and manhandled a female staffer. But not a peep about Assange. Think about it. Nary a peep.
The world’s first AI newscaster was unveiled.
It was a matter of time. And take a good look because before you know it these cyborg thingamajigs will replace the vapid media retinue of sockpuppet hacks on “news” platforms. Have you watched television news today, seriously? Have you actually watched the level of talent disintegrate based on the second-rate, third-tier, per diem D-list celebrity wannabes who stumble over poorly-penned prompter craft? It’s enough to make you shriek. Look at it this way, the basics, the rudiments, of news programming haven’t changed in 60 years. News, sports and weather. And my favorite, traffic. Traffic on TV?! Who has a TV in their car? (Yet.) It’s about selling time, Sparky.
Speaking of anachronisms, how about weather programming. And they still can’t get it right. I’ve got this gizmo I carry around that looks like a phone that can actually give the 10-day forecast for Yakutsk, and I’m supposed to listen to some yutz in a bad suit wax vatic with such beauts as “a chance of rain.” There’s a chance of everything. Fortune cookies are more specific, for Chrissake. Imagine a home pregnancy test announcing, “Chance of Pregnancy.” [And who cares if your home’s pregnant anyway?]
Remember the Battle of Athens.
The Battle of Athens was a forgotten American rebellion led by pissed off, fed-up and disgusted American patriots in Athens and Etowah, Tennessee. It was targeted against the local corrupt government in August of 1946. These brave citizens that included many WWII veterans, accused inter alia local government officials of predatory policing, police brutality, systemic political corruption and voter intimidation and they’re an inspiration. And a warning.
Lock ‘n Load!
On Saturday, January 19, 2019 CE the 2019 Lionel CONSPIRATORIUM TOUR returns to the hallowed, fabled and famed Cutting Room in New York City. The last show was the stuff of legend, a full house and full court press. An evening of (out)spoken word and the immaculate twang of Mother Bluegrass with my Lock ‘n Load Trio. You’ll be astounded and mesmerized, stopped right in your tracks along with fellow truth warriors and liberty sentries. Tickets go quickly as does the righteousness of the demented so please secure your appointment with history. Click here, s’il vous plait for tickets and get ready. I want to meet everyone individually so make time accordingly.
Antisocial media.
In the meantime follow me on Twitter, Facebook, my Lionel Media website and browse the merch and marketing at the Official Lionel Nation Gear Store and above all, the Lionel Nation YouTube Channel where I engage in immersive, totally interactive live stream broadcasts twice daily at 8 AM and 7 PM ET without fail, delay or apology. It leaves antediluvian talk radio in the dust.