Let Freedumb Ring

The Soul of the East
Roll over, monarchs! The world is now run by virtuous, informed citizens who jealously guard their liberties and work tirelessly to keep themselves abreast of the latest legislation and geopolitical developments. Thanks to the Enlightenment, humanity was awakened to its own inner potential. We saw the divine spark within ourselves, and realized we are our own true masters. I am the Captain Crunch of my own destiny. Humans across the globe for the first time in history became conscious of their political sovereignty and rose up to install masonic republics where the hallowed institution of law would rule.

Prior to that moment, all men were trapped in a dark age. This gloomy epoch of aeons past was one in which kings ruled, and these kings were vile, religious brutes who persecuted innocent witches, all based on phallocentric superstitions. Truth be told, these power-hungry men feared the divine potential of the vajayjay and knew…
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