The Lead Poisoning Of The Drinking Water In Flint, Michigan, USA Was NO ACCIDENT!

I have been getting some emails and comments over the last few days asking me to take a good look at what is happening right now in Flint Michigan, USA with the horrific situation that has occurred in regards to their own drinking water supply....Just to get most people up to speed on what exactly has occurred.. Some information has surfaced that the city council in the city of Flint Michigan decided some time ago to switch their primary sources of drinking water for the entire city from long water line feeds from Lake Huron, to what was supposedly a 'cost saving' measure, to the much closer water source, the Flint River itself... The problem is that the Flint River that flows through Flint Michigan is so heavily polluted and contains high concentrations of toxic metals, especially Lead, and other chemicals that it absolutely is unfit for human consumption no matter what kind of "treatment" the water is put under before being allowed into the drinking supplies....But the decision was made and a few years ago the water mains were switched over to draw the city's water right out of the Flint River...But trouble was to follow for the Flint Michigan civic government where reports were coming in over the last few years of people, especially children, getting very sick and coming down with a wide variety of "diseases" and ailments that left many doctors stymied... Luckily some researchers started their own investigations into why the people of Flint were getting sick, and what they found was startling.. The sicknesses all stemmed from consumption of high concentrations of LEAD from the very water the people of Flint were drinking... In some cases, the Lead poisoning from the drinking water was so bad that many children are now permanently brain damaged due to the exposure... I have not seen any reports about any deaths due to this Lead Poisoning (yet) but they may surface as well... It is an unmitigated disaster and something that definitely should never have occurred...There have been many reports from the Jew spew media that are claiming that this disaster in Flint Michigan was an "accident" but I am stating from what I have seen so far, this is NO accident..... And as proof, I want to present the following report from Paul Krugman, who writes for the Alternet website, at This article, that I have the link to right here, shows how this criminal act in Michigan was no accident at all.....I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes: I am absolutely not surprised at all by what has happened in Flint Michigan, for it should be a warning to all Americans that with the decline of their own republic, and of course with the subsequent decline in our infrastructures and especially our water supplies, situations like Flint could happen EVERYWHERE across the United States...Lets face the facts about the state of the vast majority of our drinking water supplies right across North America... Most of these supplies are already POISONED by the criminal addition of Fluoride which just like Lead does severe damage to our immune systems as well as our brains... It is time for everyone to wake the hell up and demand that our water supplies be purged of that dangerous chemical.....My hope is that the criminals responsible for this deplorable situation in Flint properly serve jail time for their act of callous folly and stupidity.... The children of Flint and others that have been damaged due to this act, and those responsible should pay for their arrogance..More to comeNTS