LAVROV: Russia ‘outraged’ embassy property theft by Obama remains unresolved

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has expressed feelings of outrage and disappointment that  Russian embassy properties in America have been effectively seized by US authorities. It came as part of the measures Barack Obama took in his final full month in office when 35 Russian embassy workers were also expelled from the United States.
The issue was discussed during Donald Trump’s meeting with Vladimir Putin. Trump said that he will work with Russia to solve the crisis created by Obama in an expedient fashion.
However, Sergey Lavrov has said that the situation is still not good enough. Russian embassy property is legal Russian territory according to international law. This is the same legal concept that has allowed Julian Assange to take sanctuary in London’s Ecuadorian Embassy as the property is legally Ecuadorian soil, not British.
Lavrov stated,

“The situation is outrageous, I believe that this is just shameful to leave the situation in such a limbo for such a great country as the United States, a champion of international law”.

Lavrov affirmed that the US and Russia are bilaterally working to solve the crisis but declined to elaborate, stating,

“Naturally, we will work for the truth to prevail, justice and international law must be restored. We are thinking about specific steps now, and I do not think we need to publicly discuss this, with all due respect to the media”.

It seems that perhaps Donald Trump’s dislike of the media has rubbed off a bit on Sergey Lavrov.
The post LAVROV: Russia ‘outraged’ embassy property theft by Obama remains unresolved appeared first on The Duran.
