Esoteric Bowie
Jay's Analysis
Film poster.
Completely rewritten.
By: Jay Dyer
It’s always fun to go back and watch the movies you grew up with. However, it can also be a laughingly disturbing experience, akin to finding out that uncle you had that was so cool was actually an alcoholic. One of the best examples of such nightmares that has receded into the recesses of the mind is the Jim Henson/George Lucas production Labyrinth (1986), starring David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly. Famously known for Bowie as “Jareth,” the Spandez-sporting witch who can transform into an owl (and trap you in an Escher maze), Labyrinth is undoubtedly packed with Kabbalistic, Jungian and hermetic symbolism that is worth investigating.
Seemingly a childish mish-mash of various fairy tales into a puppeteer’s hodgepodge, I decided it was also necessary to re-write the very first Jay’sAnalysis analysis, and look back on my own development of thought almost a decade later. I’m embarrassed…
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