Knitting a Blanket of Evolution

Born from out the primordial clay
comes dust, genes, and DNA
Spreading across the earth’s vast plains
consciousness expands humanity’s wings
From source to soul electricity flows
as adaptive evolution continually grows
Towers of Babel are toppled to the ground
to unloosen tongues that unleash their sound
Communication erupts from sea to sea
as tribes throughout the world begin to believe
All illusionary divisions are truly as One
in this Jeweled Net of Indra magnificently spun
Archetypal myths reflect the same beautiful dreams
as we sew a new future together tightly at the seams
Weapons of war are laid down in the sand
we no longer need drawn lines to fight over this land
With peace in their hearts and pens as their swords
the poets teach the species how to finally soar
Sun rising over horizon shines eternally bright
as we dance through the days and make merry come night
