The Key Natural Health Writings that Have Reached 60 Million Readers

Could this be the simple answer to lasting change deep within the belly of the medical system? I’m excited to share with you some amazing news: more than 60 million readers, that’s about 1/4 of the entire United States population, have been told the truth about the ways in which they can reclaim their health and transform their nutrition forever — and it’s not thanks to some multi-billion dollar corporate or international healthcare conglomerate.
Over 60 million readers have read the writings of thought leader Bryant McGill just on his social platforms, inciting some of the most shared content in history. Bryant’s writing have even beaten out TMZ-level pop stars like Katy Perry and reality show diva Kim Kardashian. In other words, people are starting to listen to things that matter.
A few years ago it would sound too good to be true, but the truth here is that our culture is changing. Millions are turning to independent, credible news sources that simply aren’t peddling the ineffective and intellectually-void talking points of the mainstream media and establishment. That’s why Bryant’s latest work, Simple Reminders: Inspiration for Living Your Best Life, is already a #1 seller on Amazon across a number of categories.
I highly encourage you to secure your copy at an exclusive rate of $1.99 using my link, as Bryant is going to have to increase the price for the general public and Natural Society readers alike within the next 24-42 hours (thanks to publisher agreements on the length of sales).
Simple Reminders is, hands down, one of my favorite books on the subject of taking control of your life, and I was honored when Bryant included some of my writings within the chapters pertaining to health transformations. They are exclusive to Simple Reminders, which intertwine with the discussion of how everyday health practices are ruining your health, why most diets completely fail, and why your closest relationships in life may fade.
The truth is simple: people are fed up with the lack of answers, the lack of action, and the fact that their bodies are truly hurting. That’s why we are all so passionate about bringing you the answers in an entirely new way. You may have heard about the Simple Reminders book last week on SiriusXM when Bryant McGill, Tony Robbins, and Oprah were interviewed about the Simple Steps you can take to reach your dreams.
Learn the tools and patterns of thinking to cultivate more beauty in your life, build confidence, escape from toxic relationships, move through pain and conflict, forgive people who have hurt you, and uncover your highest purpose in life. Secure your copy of Simple Reminders: Inspiration for Living Your Best Life right now for an exclusive price of $1.99 — less than the cost of a bottle of water and way more intellectually hydrating.

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