Kasich confronts ignorant rabbis and Talmud students

Republican Presidential candidate John Kasich confronts ignorant rabbis and Talmud students in New YorkBy Michael Hoffmanwww.revisionisthistory.orgThis surprising scene is refreshing to watch, after observing many politicians cringing and toadying in the presence of the self-Chosenites. Kasich has the intelligence and knowledge to get the job done, and obviously has little respect for the enormous, artificially inflated prestige of the rabbinic world.  But does he have the courage to maintain it and follow-through?  That’s the question. The video of his confrontation is just three-and-half-minutes in duration. Take the time to watch this somewhat amazing scene. It opens immediately after an Orthodox Judaic man told Kasich that God made a covenant with Moses. You will see Kasich’s ridicule of this nonsensical statement in the opening scene. Then he moves on to the Biblical Joseph, who prefigured Christ. About Joseph the assembled Talmud students appear to know little or nothing. Finally, Kasich directs their attention to the Biblical Joshua, who he praises.  Jesus bore the same Hebrew name as Joshua: Yashua. We see the hints the Governor is dropping.In the midst of unfaithfulness, Joseph shined like a bright light. He was Jacob-Israel’s first-born by Rachel. His father, Jacob-Israel, shows him particular favor. Joseph’s brothers resent him because he is faithful and they are not. Like many Jews, they refuse to see that the cause of their problems is their own unfaithfulness. They blame Joseph for their sin. Like Jesus, they resent Joseph because God’s hand of blessing is on him. Gov. Kasich considers these facts obvious to any student of the Bible. Memo to Kasich and millions of Americans: despite propaganda to the contrary, Orthodox Judaics and their rabbis are not primarily students of the Bible. They are students of the Talmud; whatever they think they know of the Bible is filtered through the distorting prism of the traditions of men; i.e. the Torah sheBeal peh, i.e the Talmud of Babylon. In this one case, Governor Kasich was not deferential or accommodating toward rabbinic conceit. This candid exchange captures his impatience with the ignorance he witnessed. How long he will continue with this type of outspoken defiance is anyone’s guess. It is certainly a break with his past positions and actions. Is he at last beginning to behave as a true American leader?________________