Just hope there's still room to book the Diaper Man's $5000 gator hunt

by KenForgive me if you've already gotten this breaking news -- and already booked your place on this not-to-be-missed excursion. I've been away from home and a little out of the loop. A day or two ago the <i>Washington Post</i>'s loopmaster, Al Kamen, reported:

Hunting gators with Sen. David Vitter

by Al KamenMost folks think being "up to your neck in alligators" is not a good thing. But a super PAC supporting Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) thinks it's an excellent fun time, worth $5,000 a person.Yes, it's a "Louisiana Bayou Weekend" alligator hunt and "airboat swamp tour" Sept. 5-7, our invitation says, "with special guest David Vitter.""Save your place for this exciting ad­ven­ture in the swamps and bayous of south Louisiana," and do it now the invite says, because "space [is] very limited.”"GOP strategist and mega-fundraiser Charlie Spies -- co-founder of the Romney super PAC Restore Our Future -- set up the Fund for Louisiana's Future in January, telling the Associated Press the super PAC's goal was to support Vitter and his views.A similar alligator-hunt fundraiser by former Rep. Jeff Landry (R-La.) in 2011 sparked a counter, "animal-friendly alternative" on-line fundraising appeal by liberal Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-N.Y.), who told supporters they "can send me $500 and you don't have to kill an alligator."Lest you think this is a weekend just riding around some swamp in a boat, Lisa Spies, who's also a prominent GOP fundraiser, assures us that we "will go on a real alligator hunt where all guests will receive a license . . . to hunt an alligator" and "professional alligator hunters" will be along to guide you.Unclear if gator wrasslin’ is included.

If you're wondering whether a "Hunting Sen. David 'The Diaper Man' Vitter with gators" outing is on offer, not as far as I'm aware.#