Jimmy Dore exposes the fact that “Dishonest” Donna Brazile knew the DNC was rigged and did nothing (Video)

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All the proof is now there to show that Hillary Clinton took over the DNC and rigged the Democrat primary against Bernie Sanders.
In her attempt to sell her upcoming book, former DNC Chair Donna Brazile snitched on the Clinton mafia in a stunning revelation that the DNC fixed the primaries against Bernie Sanders while Hillary money laundered DNC funds from local elections straight into her pocket. The Duran reported

The former DNC chair who helped Hillary cheat her way to the presidential election, Donna Brazile, has now turned on Hillary Clinton.

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Why is Brazile snitching on Hillary? Maybe it is all about selling her new book, out in about a week.

At the 16:20 mark Dore correctly points out that Brazile is still a “bullsh**er” at heart, letting on “enough of the truth to sell books”
The DNC higher ups, and Brazile knew all about Hillary’s control of the DNC machine, her money laundering scheme, and the corruption of the entire organization. Brazile is now blowing the whistle on the very people she covered for, which begs the question…
What is worse a snitch or a corrupt politician? Donna Brazile is both.

The post Jimmy Dore exposes the fact that “Dishonest” Donna Brazile knew the DNC was rigged and did nothing (Video) appeared first on The Duran.
