Jews Reveal Their Vitriolic Hatred of the White Race After Charlottesville

If the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville and its aftermath have proven anything, it is that there is no compromising – or even dealing rationally with – (((these people))).

(((Herschel))) from Brisbane: Mate, I must tell you, it’s one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever seen, this whole Alt Right coming out of the United States. I think they have a sort of false grievance where they think that, you know, with multiculturalism and diversity that that means its going to be the end of White people – that’s what they talk about. But I think that what these White people need to understand is that that is what is going to happen with multiculturalism. Eventually, they are going to dwindle to very small numbers. You know, people say to me, “Well, you’re Jewish – you’ve got Israel. You’ve got your own homeland.” But you see, Whites have never had the same persecution as us Jews – you can’t forget the 6 million. And with this one, I just think that everyone needs to accept that multiculturalism is going to happen. And it will mean the end of Whiteness. And I for one, as a Jewish person, think that would be a great thing.

(((Herschel))) goes on to expose himself and his race as the hateful, anti-White bigots they pretty much all truly are. The entire clip is worth watching.
There are many, many other examples of Jews demonstrating their anti-White hatred in a very brazen and blatant manner in the aftermath of the Unite the Right rally.
Suffice it to say, (((they))) hate us – always have, always will. Sadly, they’ve convinced far too many people – White, Black, Mexican, gay, straight, immigrant, whatever – that White people are the cancer of the planet, responsible for everything wrong in the world. Whites are the eternal and omnipresent oppressors and evil doers, according to the Jew and his (((media outlets))), who have framed and controlled the narrative for far too long. The Jews have literally weaponized our collective historical narrative to advance Jewish interests while pathologizing any form of positive, healthy White racial identity.
It’s clear: the Jews hate White people generally, and especially those of us that have a healthy racial identity and know how to use our brains to think critically about our past, present, and future. It could not be more obvious at this point: #WithJewsWeLose – and always will.
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