Jewish Greatest Genocidal Criminals – Part II

By Dr. Elias Akleh
  The Jews have been playing a sinister self-serving manipulative role in America since Columbus had discovered the new world. Their cruel exploitations had caused the extermination of millions of Native American nations. Their slave traders caused the death of estimated 100 million African victims.  
 Many are not yet aware that Christopher Columbus was in fact a Marrano Jew. The Marranos, sometimes called converses (the converts) were the Spanish Jews, who lived and prospered under the Arab rule in Spain, and later after the Christian recapture of Spain, pretended to convert to Christianity to escape the Spanish Inquisition of 1350 initiated by the Catholic Church to assert Christianity throughout all Europe. Cecil Roth, the British Jewish historian stated: “It was not difficult for insincere, temporizing Jews to become insincere temporizing Christians.”  (Cecil Roth’s “History of the Marranos”, Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1932)
 Many Jewish historians such as Cecil Roth (“Personalities and Events In Jewish History”; Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1953) and Tina Levitan (“Jews in American Life”, New York: Hebrew Publishing 1969) asserted that there are strong evidence that Columbus was a Jew.  Levitan found a reference to Columbus’ Jewishness in a diplomatic document written by the French Ambassador to Spain, who referred to Columbus as “the Jew”.  Columbus’ original name was Cristobol Colon; the son of Domingo Colon and Susanna Fontanarossa, the daughter of Jew Jacob Abraham. According to Levitan: “No Spanish Jew could ever have expected aid from the king and queen of Spain, so the explorer (Columbus) claimed to be an Italian Catholic.”
 Both Jewish Historians; George Cohen in his book “Jews in the Making of America”; The Stratford Co. Boston, MA 1924, and Dr. M. Kayserling in his book “Christopher Columbus and the Participation of the Jews in the Spanish and Portuguese Discoveries”; New York: Hermon Press, 1894, proclaimed that wealthy Marrano Jews such as Luis de Santangelo, Gabriel Sanchez, Juan Cabrero and others, not Queen Isabella had financed Columbus’ expeditions. Santangelo and Cabrero invested 17,000 ducats (more than $100,000) while other Jews such as Abraham Ben Samuel Zacuto provided astronomy and navigation equipment.
 In his first expedition Columbus discovered the Island of Hispaniola (present day Haiti and the Dominican Republic), where he established a small colony of thirty nine of his crew. On his return to Spain he claimed that he discovered a new land. He called it the New Promised Land in order to encourage Jews to finance and to join him in more expeditions. His second expedition consisted of an invasion force of seventeen large ships and 1.5 million new colonists to Hispaniola. On his arrival he discovered that the natives, known as Taino, had slaughtered the tyrannical 39 men he left there. So in order to re-establish his authority and to colonize the Island for his mostly Jewish new colonists Columbus instituted hard policies of slavery and extermination against the native Taino population. In his book “Indians are Us? Culture and Genocide in Native North America”, Common Courage Press, 1994, Ward Churchill, former professor of ethnic studies at the University of Colorado, described Columbus as a worse mass criminal than Nazi SS leader Heinrich Himmler, stating that Columbus’ genocidal campaign reduced the native population from as many as eight million in 1500 to merely 22,000 in 1514 according to the Spanish census; a genocide of 7,978,000; an extermination of a whole population. Yet Columbus’ well-documented eight million holocaust, unlike Hitler contested alleged 6 million holocaust, has been forgotten and Columbus is hailed as a hero by the Zionist controlled media and by the distorted western history.
 Slavery is forbidden in religions; Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, but not in Judaism. In Judaism slave ownership was not only lawful but a religious obligation and is encouraged by Moses’ commandments (Leviticus 25:44-46). Slaves, from non-Jewish nations, are property to be bought, sold and inherited according to Moses. Jews were given a divine permission to trade in slavery. On January 4th, 1861 Rabbi Morris Jacob Raphall of Congregation B’nai Jeshurun in New York gave a sermon defending slavery by stating that Biblical Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Job, whom god “… vouchsafed to give the character of perfect, upright, fearing God, were slaveholders.” Jewish slave traders, especially American Jews, had prospered tremendously on the cost of lives of hundreds of millions of slaves.
 The European colonists, so-called American Pioneers, of the newly discovered Promised Land needed a lot of manpower to clear up the fields to build their new homes, to plant and harvest crops especially in the vast southern area that was suitable for rice, cotton, tobacco and cane sugar. The Jews of Holland, who provided slaves to the Old World, considered this need as their golden opportunity to expand their slave business into the new world. They set up the Dutch West Indies Company and sent Jacob Barsimson to New Amsterdam (New York) to start the trade. Many other Jews followed settling along the East Coast in New Amsterdam and Newport, Rhode Island, that later on was commonly referred to as “The Jewish Newport-World Center of Slave Commerce.”
 Initially the Jews built liquor distilleries to produce rum and whiskey in order to sell them as firewater to native Indians to get them addicted and to exploit them as slaves. The Indians proved to be too proud to be obedient slaves and were poor farmers. So the Jewish slave dealers set their eyes back onto Africa. They constructed what was called an African Agency, whose function was to “collect” African slaves, trek them to African west coasts, and prepare them for shipping to the New World. Addicted to the Jewish-made liquor heads of villages used to raid other villages, kidnap their children and trade them as slaves with the Agency for more liquor and glass beads.
 Captured slaves were chained together, two at a time, corralled as cattle through the African wilderness to the west coasts, loaded on Jewish-owned ships in a very crowded filthy environment, suffer through the month and half voyage to America, and sold in humiliating auctions. Many did not survive the trip and died on the way. It was calculated that for each African slave, who withstood the rigor of this journey and reached American soil, nine others died on the way. With the yearly capture and transport of one million African slaves it was estimated that from 1661 to 1776 (one hundred fifteen years) approximately one hundred ten million (110,000,000) slaves had been removed from their own villages. Only about ten percent (10%), or eleven million, slaves reached the Americas. The cost of this Jewish slave trade was approximately one hundred million (100,000,000) African souls. How does this compare with the alleged Jewish holocaust?
 Some of the Jews, who were responsible for this great holocaust, were Aaron Lopez; owned 50% of slave ships, Issac Levy, Moses Levy, Mordecai Gomez, Nathan Marston, Jacob Barrett, Abraham Baruch, Judah Benjamin, Abraham Cohen, Isaac Elizer, Samuel Moses and many others.
 The Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, houses and makes public authentic documents entitled “Documents Illustrative of the History of the Slave Trade in America”. These documents list in details the names and owners of slave ships (exclusively Jews), the correspondence of these Jewish owners with the captains of their ships, and the numbers of slaves including their losses on each trip. Also refer to Walter White’s 1968 study “Who Brought the Slaves to America?”, and the books “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews” volumes one and two by the Historical Research Department of the Nations of Islam.
     About the author
 Dr. Elias Akleh is an Arab writer from a Palestinian descent born in the town of Beit Jala. His family was first evicted from Haifa after the “Nakba” of 1948, then from Beit Jala after the “Nakseh” of 1967. He lives now in the US, and publishes his articles on the web in both English and Arabic.
The views expressed herein are the views of the author exclusively and not necessarily the views of I.P. or any other I.P. authors.
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