The Jew Haters in the Vatican

The Jew Haters in the Vaticanby Michael“Childhood’s End Starts Tonight” reads the online advertising banner for the Syfy network television series based on Arthur C. Clarke’s novel. It forecasts a future when the devil himself will walk openly on earth and no one will care. Last week the Church of Rome issued a document entitled, The Gifts and Calling of God are Irrevocable, which teaches that so-called Jews are not to be “institutionally” offered conversion to faith in Jesus Christ. The alleged descent of these Judaic unbelievers from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is said to be sufficient to define them all as follows, “Jews are bearer’s of God’s word.” Even the Jew who wrote in the Babylonian Talmud that Jesus is in hell burning in human manure, is a bearer of God’s word. Even Ariel Sharon, who terror-bombed downtown Beirut, Lebanon in August, 1982, is a bearer of God’s word. Even Moses Maimonides, who decreed that Christians should be killed, is a bearer of God's word. Surely learned theologians far above this writer in mastery of ecclesiastical texts, will hold forth on this document, mainly pro, but some contra.I have no intention of following their lead. I don’t believe that those who have a sufficient love for the truth will require extensive catechesis in order to penetrate to the heart of this Vatican document. Neither shall I add to the critiques of pundits and wordsmiths who will, with multisyllabic eloquence, endeavor to prove that the true Catholic Church always opposed Judaism, until recently.I won’t add to it due to the fact that it is not true. The statement on the Jews coming from the pontificate of Pope Francis has its roots in the secret occult rapport which has existed between Judaism and the papacy since the Renaissance.Oh, Hoffman you have gone too far this time! What about the burning of the Talmud by the pope on September 9, 1553 in the Campo dei Fiori in Rome, or the encyclical fulminations of Leo XIII, and many others!Watching ignorance stew in its own sauce is dull. Reading boiler plate from propaganda (pseudo) fide, proffered as some sort of riposte, is sad.Here is a recondite fact submitted for your consideration: in the past, whenever Catholic saints, or just as importantly, informed laymen, began to discern the contours of the clandestine papal treason with the occult rabbis, and were on the verge of lifting the lid on the charade, the Vatican would engage in an extensive, public theatrical display of opposition to Judaism, for the benefit of the simple-minded goyim, for whom image is reality.In 1553 while copies of the Talmud were being incinerated, Florentine Catholic humanists at the highest level and with the blessing of the pope, were continuing their secret get-togethers with rabbis in which veneration of the Talmud was the primary focus of the meeting.  Daya Chakimah Ramiza.During the pontificate of Pope “Saint” John Paul II, the covert Renaissance papal gnosis became overt for the first time in history, and the texts on Judaism issued by the papal “saint” and his successor, the “conservative” Pope Benedict XVI, all attest to this, and serve as precedent for the current document from the pontificate of Francis. The Gifts and Calling of God are Irrevocable is no new thing. The revolution in the Church’s relations with Judaism has been 550 years in the making, and their emergence now is part of the gradual process of revelation, which is the hallmark of the Machiavellian psychological conditioning and transformation at which the Vatican is expert.What this writer learned from studying the gradual papal derogation of the mortal sinfulness of profits from loans (often termed “usury”), is that we arrived at the usurious omega point (in the pontificate of Pius VIII), over the course of a long series of pastoral and sub-rosa moves that were designed to interdict any attempt to label them for what they were; hence, their chameleon power to effect radical change without being detected, denounced or exposed.Almost immediately after the masters of deceit in Rome issued their decree of irrevocability last week, they covertly circulated this disclaimer through their mouthpieces: “The text is not a magisterial document or doctrinal teaching of the Catholic Church.” Here we gaze upon the two-faced genius of the Cryptocracy, born from hundreds of years of learning Talmud and Kabbalah at the feet of Florentine rabbis. To the Left they give this document, which negates all attempts to launch missions to convert people self-described as “Jews.”To the Right they whisper, don’t worry, it’s not a teaching of the Catholic Church.As a result of this duplicity, each wing of the Church of Rome, Right and Left, remains in the fold and continues within the papally-induced alchemical psychodrama, despite the fact that The Gifts and Calling of God are Irrevocable is one of the greatest monuments to the nullification of the Gospel of Jesus Christ on record.Concerning salvation, Jesus said He will only confess us to His Father if we confess Him before men.In terms of refuting the text of the Vatican document itself, we note that pride is a deadly sin; that the religion of Judaism is the religion of self-worship, and the Vatican, in upholding this self-worship by insinuating that “Jews” are saved by their race, is guilty of Jew hate.Only the vilest haters of Jews would refrain from informing them that they, no less than all other humans, need Jesus to be saved.Instead, the Vatican affirms the central “saved by race” dogma of Ku Klux Judaism, that by virtue of a supposed direct, genetic descent from the patriarchs, this is all that is absolutely necessary for their salvation. What does the Bible say? "No one who denies the Son has the Father" (1 John 2:23).There is laughter in hell when, in the name of loving Jews, papist Jew haters encourage dereliction of the duty to convert Jews to Christ — which is a Jew’s only chance for eternal life. Witness the efficacious power of sophistry.The light goes out in our civilization and innocence dwindles like a guttering candle, and the epitaph is written by Arthur C. Clarke, “childhood’s end.”Copyright©2015. All Rights Reserved.Michael Hoffman’s hard copy executive intelligence journal, Revisionist History, is published six times a year for subscribers. His forthcoming book, “The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome,” will be printed in 2016. Michael’s work is made possible by donations from truth-seekers.Independent History and Research The largest English-language publishers of accurate information about Judaism on earthBox 849 • Coeur d’Alene • Idaho 83816 USA_______