Jerusalem Truck Attack Bullshit: Absolutely A Hoax To Vilify The Palestinians!

I was wondering when the criminal and psychotic state of Israel would have one of these fraud "attacks" somewhere in their stolen land just to try to cover for the FACT that both they and the United States ARE the fraud "terrorist" group known as "ISIS".... AND of course with the recent passage of that UN resolution against the psychos in Israel and their evil actions against the Palestinian people, we knew that these psychos would not stand pat and would indeed want an 'attack' on their wretched state just to once again garner false "sympathy" for their evil cause and to once again vilify the Palestinian people.... Well, lo and behold, but just yesterday we now have the Jew spew media going absolutely hog wild with report after report of a "lorry" plowing through a group of Israelis in Jerusalem... The initial reports were that some 4 Israelis are dead and about a dozen injured from this "truck attack"..... And of course the moment I read and watched the initial reports of this "attack" I smelled a rat with a big star of david on its back... It did not take much to realize that we are dealing with pure and utter bullshit here.....Right now, I want to present the following important video from Peekay Truth out of Melbourne Australia that absolutely tears this fraud in Jerusalem apart.... Please take note of the supposed CCTV "footage" and the reaction of the "crowd" of Israelis when the truck first impacts them closely..... I have further thoughts to follow:OK, I watched in very slow motion how the "truck" went by that parked truck and in between that parked truck and the signal light standard at that corner, and right away I call bullshit... If you watch closely, you will see that signal light slightly "disappear" as the "attack truck" goes between it and that parked vehicle, which is the tell tale sign of someone doctoring the video using CGI!!!!  And watch carefully as the "attack truck" hits those Israelis standing next to the parked truck... Yes, there is NO reaction from any of them as the "lorry", which strangely becomes just a blur for several moments, plows into them... NO reaction at all?   Just standing there like match sticks?  Impossible...And of course as the "lorry" hits those Israelis, NONE of the victims go flying UP as they are impacted!  You would in a normal "truck hit" see bodies flying everywhere, but in this strange case you do not see that at all.... This is again the tell tale sign of CGI done very poorly....And... Watch the reaction of the Israeli soldiers in the forefront... NO reaction???  And they run away elsewhere??? None of them, other than ONE guy turns to watch the impact!!!!  This is again signs of complete and utter bullshit...I am calling this for what it is... Complete and utter bullshit and nothing more than pure Israeli propaganda to once again vilify the Palestinians.... And notice how shortly after this "attack" the criminals in the Israeli government are all screaming "ISIS".... Talk about a set up!I will have further articles coming to once again expose this fraud.... These evil psychos have indeed pulled this stunt at just this time due to the upcoming Paris Middle Eastern Conference this coming weekend to once again try to sway public opinion against the Palestinians.... Hopefully everyone gets wind of this hoax and their swaying fails miserably as it should...More to comeNTS