Japan Forges Closer Military Ties With Georgia

Ministry of Defence of Georgia
October 8, 2013
Meeting with Japanese Delegation

The Deputy Defence Minister of Georgia hosted the Japanese diplomats today.
Mikheil Darchiashvili introduced ongoing defence reforms to Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Georgia Mr. Toshio Kaitani, Japanese Military Attaché and Attaché COL Kojima Yasuhiro.
The sides discussed Georgian troops` involvement in the Afghan international mission and the new format of participation of GAF in the post-ISAF period. One of the main topics of discussion was future cooperation perspectives between Georgian and Japanese Defence Ministries.
The Japanese delegation met with Deputy Chief of Joint Staff of GAF Col. Vladimer Chachibaia as well. Col. Chachibaia discussed the future prospects of cooperation in military educational sphere with the Japanese diplomats. The Georgian side expressed interest to share the experience of the Japanese side in defence field.
