James Woods to POTUS Trump: “Democrats gave you the rope, Mr. President, and you just hanged yourself with it”

Trump’s core base is feeling betrayed.
After POTUS Trump announced Friday that he will sign the $1.3 Trillion Omnibus spending bill, with no border wall in sight, many true American conservatives are feeling deflated and disappointed with the man they supported for President.
The Gateway Pundit reports…

Patriotic actor James Woods had some harsh words for President Trump after he agreed to sign Paul Ryan’s trillion dollar giveaway.
Earlier Friday, James Woods told Trump to veto the omnibus bill.

Woods tweeted…

When will these Republicans ever act like a majority party? The Democrats run over them like roadkill every time. #Veto

When will these Republicans ever act like a majority party? The Democrats run over them like roadkill every time. #Veto
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) March 23, 2018

Woods then tweeted a picture of Paul Ryan and Barack Obama with a caption, “Doppelgangers”

#doppelgängers pic.twitter.com/L6OZwbJlwu
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) March 23, 2018

After Trump signed the omnibus bill, Woods tweeted…

The Democrats gave you the rope, Mr. President, and you just hanged yourself with it. #ByeByeGOP2018

The Democrats gave you the rope, Mr. President, and you just hanged yourself with it. #ByeByeGOP2018 https://t.co/Hw5tgnAbc9
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) March 23, 2018

According to The Gateway Pundit, James Woods is a huge supporter of President Trump, he’s angry about the omnibus bill.

On Thursday, James Woods said what we are all thinking about the RINO’s…

I never imagined I could loathe the @GOP more than the I loathe @TheDemocrats, but they got me with this suck-ass budget. I hope they get what they asked for in November. When will these RINO wimps stop sticking their asses in the air for the Democrats to violate?
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) March 23, 2018

The post James Woods to POTUS Trump: “Democrats gave you the rope, Mr. President, and you just hanged yourself with it” appeared first on The Duran.
