It's All About The Money-- It's Not About The Thanksgiving

Last summer we looked at legislation Alan Grayson proposed to end the over-militarization of local police departments, long before "Ferguson" became synonymous with overly militarized local police departments. Grayson's amendment failed-- by a lot-- 62-355, only 19 Republicans and 43 Democrats having the foresight and wisdom to back it. One of the 43 Democrats who did vote correctly was Hank Johnson, who represents the suburbs west of Atlanta all the sway out past Covington. He's using the issue to try to raise money. His e-mail sounds creepy:

Dear justice seeker,We are gaining some serious momentum, and I’m confident this won’t be our last chance for victory-- as long as we keep spreading the word through and putting pressure on Republicans. The Justice Fund will keep pushing police militarization as a major national priority, but we can’t do it without your support.Will you become a Justice Fund 2016 monthly sustainer TODAY for $10 a month?I will never stop pushing this legislation, but we don’t know what the next legislative session-- with Republican majorities in both chambers-- will bring. Likely, two more years of gridlock. We have to take advantage of the next two weeks, and we need to be prepared to fight hard next year.That’s why we need you to step up by midnight tonight. Give $25 for the most impact.

For one thing, OK, Hank, you voted right. Good. In a gerrymandered majority minority district with a PVI of D+21 that Obama won with 74% that isn't exactly a profile in courage. And there's something unseemly about pushing to the front of the parade and trying to solicit contributions from people based on it. It's also misleading to insinuate that the problem was "Republicans." Are Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, Jim Clyburn, Steve Israel, Ben Ray Luján, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Joe Crowley, Xavier Becerra and Rosa DeLauro Republicans? Every single member of the House Democratic Party leadership team, except Donna Edwards, voted against Grayson's amendment. So it isn't just a Democrat vs Republican problem. It's an out-of-touch political elite problem.Today Rep. Johnson should step back from his crusade for a moment and think about doing something substantive for Walmart workers who are being treated unfairly over this holiday. It's another issue he can take a cue from Grayson on. This was-- at least in part-- Grayson's Thanksgiving message yesterday:

Thanksgiving was once a holiday reserved for spending time with our loved ones-- families across America gathered around the table to enjoy a meal with their families and give thanks.But Thanksgiving’s importance has faded in recent years. The holiday is now merely a precursor to Black Friday-- the day in which stores like Walmart slash prices in an attempt to generate larger profits for themselves, at the expense of their employees. For Walmart’s corporate owners, Thanksgiving has become “Black Friday Eve”-- a day to pry families apart and work employees to the bone for next-to-nothing in wages.Already, Walmart’s workers are severely underpaid and incredibly overworked. They’re often fired for reasons ranging from the inane to the unbelievable. They are unable to earn benefits. They have no stability in their schedules and no guarantee that they will have a job tomorrow. And at no time of the year is Walmart’s abhorrent treatment of its employees better demonstrated than on Thanksgiving.Walmart is the country’s largest employer, which means that Walmart’s employment practices generally set the standard for businesses all over the U.S. When Walmart refuses to give its workers a few measly hours off to celebrate Thanksgiving with their families, other businesses must do the same. Instead of forcing hardworking Americans to pay the price for Walmart CEO’s corporate gain, Walmart should be setting an example for all retailers: give hardworking families a well-deserved break. Give them a few hours to spend with their families on Thanksgiving. Treat them with the dignity and respect that they deserve.  I support the planned Black Friday protests because I believe that workers should be treated like human beings.

Rep. Johnson, I know you're seeking justice. Why not contribute some of the bucks that come in by midnight from your Justice Fund to the Walmart workers who wind up getting fired over this holiday?