It Is Israel, Not Russia, That Interferes in US Political Life
Who Does Congress Represent?
Ilhan Omar is a brave woman. She has embarrassed the corrupt Democratic Party that, together with the Republicans and many evangelical Christians, have sold out America to Israel.
More and more people have come out in her defense, refusing to be silenced by the criminal state of Israel. Dr. Paul Kindlon explains what is at stake.
He accuses Congress of Treason if Congress legislates at the Israel Lobby’s insistence the death of the First Amendment. Enough members of the House and Senate have been purchased by the Israel Lobby that the traitors will sell out the US Constitution for Israel’s interests if they can get away with it.
I Accuse Congress of Treason
Dr. Paul Kindlon
Let us be clear…the U.S. Congressional vote condemning criticism of Israel as a form of anti-Semitism – if it passes – will be an act of treachery of historical proportions. Do not be fooled – this is a move by politicians in the pocket of a foreign power to make censorship legal, ending two-hundred plus years of freedom of speech in our country.
I accuse the Congressional representatives who will vote for this resolution of being un-American and of spitting in the face of the founding fathers. It will truly be a dark day in our nation’s history and those responsible will be condemned and held in utter contempt by posterity.
I accuse the Congressional members who vote for this resolution to be traitors to their country and heritage. Men and women who knowingly, willingly and perversely trample upon our sacred first amendment – that uniquely democratic principle that has inspired so many countries to emulate us in order to enjoy the freedom to speak openly and freely.
I accuse the mainstream, corporate, media of aiding and abetting this crime against American democracy. Of turning its back on professional standards and practice. Presenting straight-forward news and balanced reporting have been abandoned because it makes far less money than providing PR and low-level entertainment. It’s all about the Benjamins and humiliating subservience to a foreign government.
I accuse the mainstream media of going tabloid, desecrating the cherished values of past journalists who stood for honesty and objectivity. Journalists who questioned authority and who did not kow-tow to power the way modern day fake journalists do. Like those perfidious members of Congress with fingers poised over the Yea button, these so – called journalists are traitors, as well.
I also accuse the Israeli government of undermining American democracy and weakening our civic society. For it is Israel – not Russia – that has meddled in our political process through AIPAC for many years. By doing so, Israel has acted in a duplicitous manner violating the trust of Americans who have so generously aided Israel for decades. Millions have fretted over the possibility that one powerful member of our government may be working in the interests of a foreign power, not realizing that literally hundreds of key government officials have been putting the interests of Israel over and above the interests of America and its citizens and are preparing to do so again.
And finally…I accuse the American public of being too passive in the face of such treacherous behavior from politicians and journalists who are bringing America straight down into the muck and mire of lies, greed and hypocrisy. The situation is dire. We know who the guilty parties are among us. The question is: what shall be done to punish those who are venal mercenaries –those politicians and journalists who will sell out their own country for thirty pieces of silver?
See also:
Congress Criticizes Ihlan Omar but Remains Silent About Israel’s Violence Against Palestinians
The obsession with US Congresswoman Ihlan Omar’s criticism of Israeli influence over American politics really is unique. And what makes this debate genuinely immoral is that it focuses on Omar’s words but ignores the killing and oppression of Palestinian civilians by Israel.
The Minnesota Congresswoman has been pilloried over the past few weeks for criticising members of Congress who take money from pro-Israel Political Action Committees (PACs) in exchange for political support for Israeli policies. Omar has also highlighted the ugly tendency for many pro-Israel activists and politicians to have an apparently greater loyalty to Israel, a foreign country, than they do to the United States.
As a journalist for nearly half century, I know it is a reality that PACs donate millions to congressmen and women specifically to influence their votes. So why is Omar’s legitimate criticism of donations by supporters of a foreign country, Israel, denounced viciously by Republicans and Democrats alike as an “an anti-Semitic trope”? This is the quid-pro-quo: literally, “something for something”. Translated from Latin into US politics it comes up as, “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours”.
As I have written before, pro-Israel activists and the Congressmen and women they “buy” with their PAC donations have weaponised anti-Semitism, turning it into a political bludgeon rather than trying to suppress the racist hatred of Jews, although Arabs are Semites, too, by the way.
And this:
American Jews, including prominent figures like Naomi Klein, have signed an open letter in support of Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.
The letter states that she has been “falsely accused of antisemitism” and that there was nothing anti-Semitic about calling out the “noxious” role of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in American politics.
It went on to say that “The pro-Israel lobby has played an outsized role in producing nearly unanimous congressional support for Israel.”
The letter finished by saying “We thank Ilhan Omar for having the bravery to shake up the congressional taboo against criticizing Israel. As Jews with a long tradition of social justice and anti-racism, AIPAC does not represent us.” and called on other Jews to sign the letter.
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