Israeli settlers execute Palestinian bus driver

Israeli settlers have hanged a Palestinian man in East al-Quds (Jerusalem) in another incident of brutality against Palestinians in the occupied territories, local sources say.

Hassan Yousef Rammouni, 32, a Palestinian bus driver, was driving back home from work on Sunday when he was abducted and then hanged by Israelis in his bus in the Ras al-Amud neighborhood.
Signs of strangulation on Rammouni’s neck as well as signs of violence on his body were apparent, sources said.
The residents staged a protest against the killing in the area with clashes breaking out between Israeli forces and the Palestinian protesters, according to reports.
Tensions have been running high in East al-Quds after Israeli troops shot dead a young Palestinian man in northern occupied territories last week.
Israeli forces claim Khair al-Din Hamdan was shot during a raid, but video footage released after the incident shows an Israeli soldier getting out of his car and shooting directly at Hamdan.
Following the unrest sparked by the killing, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered a harsh crackdown on protests.
Palestinians have vowed to keep holding demonstrations in protest at Hamdan’s killing until the Israeli soldier who shot him dead is brought to justice.