Israel Demands Governments Regulate Social Media & Ban “Anti-Semitism”

Following up on a recent blog post highlighting the ADL’s collaboration with the social media giant Twitter, we have yet another example of the organized Jewish community’s concerted efforts to censor the Internet and crack down on “anti-Semitism,” i.e., criticizing and/or exposing Jews, their lies, and their subversive, anti-White agenda.
According to a report coming from The Jerusalem Post, the Israeli Foreign Ministry is openly demanding governments around the world regulate social media platforms in an effort to combat and ultimately ban “anti-Semitism” and “incitement of violence.”
Most readers are no doubt aware of the fact that the organized Jewish community regularly hypes, exaggerates, and even outright fabricates “incitement to violence” against Jews and other minorities in order to advance their tyrannical, anti-free speech agenda. (See here and here, for example.)

The Foreign Ministry on Monday called on governments around the world to regulate social media in order to combat anti-Semitism and violent incitement, reiterating the government’s support last year for Internet censorship during an anti-racism conference.
Speaking at the annual gathering of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations in Jerusalem, Akiva Tor, the director of the Foreign Ministry’s Department for Jewish Communities, stated that while the issue is certainly controversial for Americans, it is important to discern the nature of the Internet and to act accordingly.
“What is YouTube? What is Facebook? What is Twitter? And what is Google?” he asked. “Are they a free speech corner like [London’s] Hyde Park or are they more similar to a radio station in the public domain?” Referring to cartoons of Palestinians killing Jews and other such material circulating online, Tor asked why platforms such as Google search, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are “tolerating” violent incitement and “saying they are protected in a holy way by free speech.”
“How is it possible that the government of France and the European Union all feel that incitement in Arabic on social media in Europe calling for physical attacks on Jews is permitted and that there is no requirement from industry to do something about it,” he continued, adding that Israel is working with European partners to push the technology sector to adopt a definition of anti-Semitism so its constituent companies can “take responsibility for what they host.” […]
Following the Foreign Ministry’s biennial Global Forum for Combating Anti-Semitism last year, a similar statement was issued calling for the scrubbing of Holocaust denial websites from the Internet and the omission of “hate websites and content” from web searches.
Citing the “pervasive, expansive and transnational” nature of the Internet and the viral nature of hate materials, that conference’s final document called upon Internet service providers, web hosting companies and social media platforms to adopt a “clear industry standard for defining hate speech and anti-Semitism” as well as terms of service that prohibit their posting.
Such moves, the document asserted, must be implemented while preserving the Internet’s “essential freedom.” […]

Quite a revealing article to read in its entirety, as most articles that I highlight and excerpt here are (see the News from the Jews category for many more examples).
Incredibly, the Jews openly admit and reveal their tyrannical agenda on a daily basis in their own newspapers and media outlets, and then have the nerve to call you an “anti-Semite” for simply pointing it out. These people are unbelievable!
The organized Jewish community is literally demanding national governments around the world and private social media and web hosting companies cater to their feelings and tyrannical, anti-free speech agenda. Anyone criticizing or exposing Jews must be shut down.

In a nutshell, the Jews are openly and brazenly attempting to destroy the revolutionary nature of the Internet, which allows people like me (and many, many others) to compete with, expose, debunk, and offer alternatives to the Jewish monopoly on information, mass media, and historical perspective. Think about that.
In response, I hereby demand that all governments around the world, in particular the United States federal government, reject appeals to censor the Internet by the organized Jewish community. Furthermore, I appeal to all social media companies, Internet service providers, web hosting companies, and other private-sector businesses and organizations involved in maintaining and regulating the free flow of information found on the Internet to end any partnership and/or other collaborative endeavor with any Jewish organization, recognizing such partnerships as an insidious and subversive attempt by international Jewry to shut down free speech, free historical and intellectual inquiry,  and criticism of their actions, agenda, and true nature.
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