ISIS Is A FRAUD And A CIA/Mossad Front: This Article By Investment Watch Blog Says It All About How Gullible Most Americans Truly Are!

I still cannot understand most people.... I went out to my local coffee shop just the other day, and I again could not help but overhear some of the conversations that many were having at surrounding tables.. My ears really lit up when I overheard one patron talk to another and talk about how dangerous "ISIS" was, and how it was important that we support our (criminal) Federal Government in Ottawa in its (fraudulent) "war on terror".....It does appear that many Canadians are still too gullible and stupid to see that they are being played as suckers and that there absolutely is NO "war on terror"... It is a fraud and a hoax...Canadians are bad enough for their complete ignorance when it comes to the fraud of "terrorism", but we are nothing in comparison to the complete gullibility and ignorance of the American public.... For according to this article,that comes from the Investment Watch Blog website, at, it appears that a recent poll of gullible Americans does show by an alarming percentage that the REAL terrorists, which are the US Government, the "tribe" and the criminal state of Israel are winning this fraud "war on terror" by a long shot... Here is the link to that important Investment Watch Blog article for everyone to read for themselves... Pay attention to the findings shown in that poll, especially....I do have my usual thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  The poll results are truly shocking and shows that I and others still have our work cut out for us to try to wake up the masses... However, by this time it is apparent even to myself that many are beyond help now, and thanks to the brainwashing of Jew spew media, and the US Government, many Americans are like "lambs to the slaughter"....The poll also shows several alarming facts in that the first two 'threats' are of course the fraud of "terrorism".... But the third shows the ignorance of Americans as well when it comes to the peaceful and innocent nation of Iran that has been purposely vilified by the Jew spew media, and may be ripe for an attack on the basis of its non-existent nuclear program.... That also is troubling and shows the ignorance of most Americans...Yes, the writer over at Investment Watch Blog is absolutely correct in his assessment of this poll... The Jew spew media has done its work well in brainwashing Americans and preparing them for more wars against non existent foes, and for the glory of the criminal and psychotic state of Israel as well...More to comeNTS